python-2.7 - 为Python机器学习(朴素贝叶斯)算法创建特征字典

标签 python-2.7 dictionary machine-learning nltk feature-extraction


在下面的 Three_split 函数中成功完成了拆分。但据我了解,要将其合并为功能集,我需要将输出作为字典返回。有任何关于如何做到这一点的提示吗?对于“Chan”字典,字典应返回“cha”和“han”为 TRUE。

from nltk.classify import PositiveNaiveBayesClassifier
import re

chinese_names = ['gao', 'chan', 'chen', 'Tsai', 'liu', 'Lee']

nonchinese_names = ['silva', 'anderson', 'kidd', 'bryant', 'Jones', 'harris', 'davis']

def three_split(word):
    word = word.lower()
    word = word.replace(" ", "_")
    split = 3
    return [word[start:start+split] for start in range(0, len(word)-2)]

positive_featuresets = list(map(three_split, chinese_names))
unlabeled_featuresets = list(map(three_split, nonchinese_names))
classifier = PositiveNaiveBayesClassifier.train(positive_featuresets, 

print three_split("Jim Silva")
print classifier.classify(three_split("Jim Silva"))




Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 17, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nltk/classify/", line 108, in train
    for fname, fval in featureset.items():
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'items'

查看第 17 行:

classifier = PositiveNaiveBayesClassifier.train(positive_featuresets, 

看起来PositiveNaiveBayesClassifier需要一个具有属性'.items()'的对象,直观上它应该是一个dict如果NLTK 代码是 pythonic。

查看 ,对于 positive_featuresets 参数应包含的内容没有任何明确的解释:

:param positive_featuresets: A list of featuresets that are known as positive examples (i.e., their label is True).


    >>> from nltk.classify import PositiveNaiveBayesClassifier
Some sentences about sports:
    >>> sports_sentences = [ 'The team dominated the game',
    ...                      'They lost the ball',
    ...                      'The game was intense',
    ...                      'The goalkeeper catched the ball',
    ...                      'The other team controlled the ball' ]
Mixed topics, including sports:
    >>> various_sentences = [ 'The President did not comment',
    ...                       'I lost the keys',
    ...                       'The team won the game',
    ...                       'Sara has two kids',
    ...                       'The ball went off the court',
    ...                       'They had the ball for the whole game',
    ...                       'The show is over' ]
The features of a sentence are simply the words it contains:
    >>> def features(sentence):
    ...     words = sentence.lower().split()
    ...     return dict(('contains(%s)' % w, True) for w in words)
We use the sports sentences as positive examples, the mixed ones ad unlabeled examples:
    >>> positive_featuresets = list(map(features, sports_sentences))
    >>> unlabeled_featuresets = list(map(features, various_sentences))
    >>> classifier = PositiveNaiveBayesClassifier.train(positive_featuresets,
    ...                                                 unlabeled_featuresets)


dict(('contains(%s)' % w, True) for w in words)

基本上,这是能够调用 .items() 的东西。看看字典理解,似乎 'contains(%s)' % w 有点多余,除非它是为了人类可读性。所以你可以直接使用dict((w, True) for w in Words)


最后,切片和有限迭代可以替换为可以提取字符 ngram 的 ngram 函数,例如

>>> word = 'alexgao'
>>> split=3
>>> [word[start:start+split] for start in range(0, len(word)-2)]
['ale', 'lex', 'exg', 'xga', 'gao']
# With ngrams
>>> from nltk.util import ngrams
>>> ["".join(ng) for ng in ngrams(word,3)]
['ale', 'lex', 'exg', 'xga', 'gao']


from nltk.util import ngrams
def three_split(word):
    return dict(("".join(ng, True) for ng in ngrams(word.lower(),3))


{'im ': True, 'm s': True, 'jim': True, 'ilv': True, ' si': True, 'lva': True, 'sil': True}

事实上,NLTK 分类器用途广泛,您可以使用字符元组作为特征,因此在提取特征时无需修补 ngram,即:

from nltk.classify import PositiveNaiveBayesClassifier
import re
from nltk.util import ngrams

chinese_names = ['gao', 'chan', 'chen', 'Tsai', 'liu', 'Lee']

nonchinese_names = ['silva', 'anderson', 'kidd', 'bryant', 'Jones', 'harris', 'davis']

def three_split(word):
    return dict(((ng, True) for ng in ngrams(word.lower(),3))

positive_featuresets = list(map(three_split, chinese_names))
unlabeled_featuresets = list(map(three_split, nonchinese_names))

classifier = PositiveNaiveBayesClassifier.train(positive_featuresets, 

print three_split("Jim Silva")
print classifier.classify(three_split("Jim Silva"))


{('m', ' ', 's'): True, ('j', 'i', 'm'): True, ('s', 'i', 'l'): True, ('i', 'l', 'v'): True, (' ', 's', 'i'): True, ('l', 'v', 'a'): True, ('i', 'm', ' '): True}

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