ios - 将键作为 predicateWithFormat 中的参数传递给 predicate

标签 ios cocoa nspredicate


@interface Person

@property NSString *name;
@property NSString *phone;
@property NSString *address;


我有一个 NSPredicate 可以搜索 Person 数组,按名字搜索。通常,我会像这样使用它

NSPredicate *predicate1 = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"name contains[c] %@", searchText];


NSString *key = @"name";
NSPredicate *predicate2 = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%@ contains[c] %@", key, searchText];

predicate1 工作正常,但 predicate2 不行。当我使用 lldb 调试时,这两个的不同之处:

po [predicate1 predicateFormat]
name CONTAINS[c] "Eddie"

po [predicate2 predicateFormat]
"name" CONTAINS[c] "Eddie"

问题是:我可以让 predicate2 工作吗?我想将 key 作为参数传递给搜索(名称)...如果可以,如何传递?


来自Predicate Programming Guide

When string variables are substituted into a format string using %@ , they are surrounded by quotation marks. If you want to specify a dynamic property name, use %K in the format string


NSPredicate *predicate2 = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"%K contains[c] %@", key, searchText];

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