nlp - 重建现在著名的 17 岁男孩基于马尔可夫链的信息检索算法 "Apodora"

标签 nlp machine-learning information-retrieval markov-chains

当我们都在百思不得其解时,一名 17 岁的加拿大男孩显然发现了一种信息检索算法:

a) 的执行精度是当前广泛使用的向量空间模型的两倍

b) 在识别相似单词方面“相当准确”。

c) 使微搜索更加准确

这是一个很好的interview .



Some searches find words that appear in similar contexts. That’s pretty good, but that’s following the relationships to the first degree. My algorithm tries to follow connections further. Connections that are close are deemed more valuable. In theory, it follows connections to an infinite degree.


A novel information retrieval algorithm called "Apodora" is introduced, using limiting powers of Markov chain-like matrices to determine models for the documents and making contextual statistical inferences about the semantics of words. The system is implemented and compared to the vector space model. Especially when the query is short, the novel algorithm gives results with approximately twice the precision and has interesting applications to microsearch.




从使用“上下文”等词以及他引入了二阶统计依赖性的事实来看,我怀疑他正在做一些与论文中概述的 LDA-HMM 方法相关的事情:Griffiths, T., Steyvers 、M.、Blei, D. 和 Tenenbaum, J. (2005)。整合主题和语法。神经信息处理系统的进展。由于模型平均,搜索分辨率存在一些固有的限制。然而,我很羡慕 17 岁时能做这样的事情,我希望他能独立地做一些事情,至少能做得更好。即使同一主题有不同的方向也会很酷。

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