java - Java 中的 Leap Motion 错过了点击手势

标签 java leap-motion

我编写了一个测试代码来查看我的点击手势是否被 Leap Motion 接受。 运行代码后,我注意到我必须非常积极地点击,即使如此,每隔几次点击我也只能收到一次点击。 我该如何更改我的代码来防止这种情况发生?



    package com.leaptoarduino;
    import com.leapmotion.leap.Controller;
    import com.leapmotion.leap.Gesture;
    public class Leapd
        public static final void main(String args[])
            //Initialize serial communications
            RS232Protocol serial = new RS232Protocol();
            //Initialize the Leapd listener
            LeapdListener leap = new LeapdListener(serial);
            Controller controller = new Controller();
            //Set up controller for gestures
            controller.config().setFloat("Gesture.KeyTap.MinDownVelocity", 5.0f);
            controller.config().setFloat("Gesture.KeyTap.HistorySeconds", .8f);
            controller.config().setFloat("Gesture.KeyTap.MinDistance", 20.0f);



    package com.leaptoarduino;
    import com.leapmotion.leap.*;
    import com.leapmotion.leap.Gesture.Type;
    import com.leapmotion.leap.KeyTapGesture;
    public class LeapdListener extends Listener
    //Serial port that will be used to communicate with the Arduino
    private RS232Protocol serial;
    public LeapdListener(RS232Protocol serial)
        this.serial = serial;
    //Member function: onInit
    public void onInit(Controller controller)
    //Member function: onConncect
    public void onConnect(Controller controller)
    //Member Function: onDisconnect
    public void onDisconnect(Controller controller)
    //Member Function: onExit
    public void onExit(Controller controller)
    //Member Function: onFrame
    public void onFrame(Controller controller)

        //Get the most recent frame
        Frame frame = controller.frame();
        //Verify a hand is in view
        if (frame.hands().count() > 0)
            GestureList gestures = frame.gestures();
            for (Gesture gesture: gestures)
                if (gesture.type() == Type.TYPE_KEY_TAP)
                    KeyTapGesture keytap = new KeyTapGesture (gesture);

            //Send the tap data to the Arduino
            // TBD
            //Give the Arduino some time to process our data
            try { Thread.sleep(30); }
            catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }


当您在 OnFrame 处理程序中 hibernate 线程时,您将错过来自 Leap Motion 服务的帧。您的部分问题可能是在那些丢失的帧中识别了点击手势。 Frame.gestures() 采用“sinceFrame”参数来避免此问题:frame.gestures(sinceFrame) 为您提供sinceFrame 和当前帧之间发生的所有手势,因此您不会错过任何手势当帧被丢弃或跳过时。您要做的就是每次运行 onFrame 处理程序时将当前帧保存到 lastFrameProcessed 变量中。您将此lastFrameProcessed 变量传递给gestures() 以获取完整的手势列表。像这样的东西:

Frame lastFrameProcessed = Frame.invalid();
public void onFrame(Controller controller)

    //Get the most recent frame
    Frame frame = controller.frame();
    //Verify a hand is in view
    if (frame.hands().count() > 0)
        GestureList gestures = frame.gestures(lastFrameProcessed);
        for (Gesture gesture: gestures)
            if (gesture.type() == Type.TYPE_KEY_TAP)
                KeyTapGesture keytap = new KeyTapGesture (gesture);

        //Send the tap data to the Arduino
        // TBD
        //Give the Arduino some time to process our data
        try { Thread.sleep(30); }
        catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
    lastFrameProcessed = frame;

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