ios - 强制提前调用 iOS 设备上的后台任务到期处理程序以进行测试

标签 ios objective-c cocoa-touch background-process uiapplicationdelegate

我正在测试和调试 - beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler: 中的过期 block 。

有没有办法强制调用 Block 以使其更快发生,而不是每次我需要调试时都等待大约 10 分钟?

我对调试 block 中的实际代码不感兴趣,而是对调用顺序和回溯等感兴趣;这就是为什么我需要回调本身发生,但每次 10 分钟太长了!



  1. Start your background task on controller viewDidLoad and Schedule a Timer that prints out the backgroundTimeRemaining every 1 second.
  2. Send your app to background.
  3. Trigger the action of your background task when the backgroundTimeRemaining is less than X seconds.

可以通过测试何时触发过期处理程序来获知 X。因为不保证 backgroundTimeRemaining 是准确的。


UIApplication.shared.beginBackgroundTask(withName: "Submit Order Background Task") { [weak self] in
     // Your logic to handle the expiration.

// To submit order 1 time!
var submitted = false

Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1.0, repeats: true) { (timer) in
    print("background task timer: \(UIApplication.shared.backgroundTimeRemaining)")
    if UIApplication.shared.backgroundTimeRemaining < 2 && !submitted {
        submitted = true

关于ios - 强制提前调用 iOS 设备上的后台任务到期处理程序以进行测试,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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