java - NotSerializedException 实现 Serialized 的序列化类

标签 java serialization

我在使用 ObjectOutputStream#writeObject 方法序列化此类时遇到问题。


public class InteractedObject implements Serializable{

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 537798409913313981L;

    protected int id;
    protected WorldTile tile;
    protected int option;

    private long interactionTime;

    public InteractedObject(int id, WorldTile tile, int option){ = id;
        this.tile = tile;
        this.option = option;

    public long getInteractionTime(){
        return interactionTime;

    public void setInteractionTime(long interactionTime){
        this.interactionTime = interactionTime;

    public boolean isEqualTo(Object o){
        if(this == o)
            return true;
        InteractedObject obj = o instanceof InteractedObject ? (InteractedObject)o : null;
        if(obj == null)
            return false;
        return == id && obj.tile.equals(tile) && obj.option == option;

WorldTile 类确实实现了 Serialized 接口(interface),并且仅使用类型为 shortbyte 的字段。我不明白为什么这会为我的类“”(最上面的一个)抛出 NotSerializedException



我的 WorldTile 类如下:

public class WorldTile implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -6567346497259686765L;

    private short x, y;
    private byte plane;

    public WorldTile(){
        this(0, 0, 0);

    public WorldTile(int x, int y, int plane) {
        this.x = (short) x;
        this.y = (short) y;
        this.plane = (byte) plane;
    public final WorldTile getLocation() {
        WorldTile tile = new WorldTile(x, y, plane);
        return tile;
    public WorldTile(WorldTile tile) {
        this.x = tile.x;
        this.y = tile.y;
        this.plane = tile.plane;

    public WorldTile(WorldTile tile, int randomize) {
        this.x = (short) (tile.x + Utils.getRandom(randomize * 2) - randomize);
        this.y = (short) (tile.y + Utils.getRandom(randomize * 2) - randomize);
        this.plane = tile.plane;

    public void moveLocation(int xOffset, int yOffset, int planeOffset) {
        x += xOffset;
        y += yOffset;
        plane += planeOffset;

    public final void setLocation(WorldTile tile) {
        setLocation(tile.x, tile.y, tile.plane);

    public final void setLocation(int x, int y, int plane) {
        this.x = (short) x;
        this.y = (short) y;
        this.plane = (byte) plane;

    public int getX() {
        return x;

    public int getXInRegion() {
        return x & 0x3F;

    public int getYInRegion() {
        return y & 0x3F;

    public int getY() {
        return y;

    public int getPlane() {
        if (plane > 3)
            return 3;
        return plane;

    public int getChunkX() {
        return (x >> 3);

    public int getChunkY() {
        return (y >> 3);

    public int getRegionX() {
        return (x >> 6);

    public int getRegionY() {
        return (y >> 6);

    public int getRegionId() {
        return ((getRegionX() << 8) + getRegionY());

    public int getLocalX(WorldTile tile, int mapSize) {
        return x - 8 * (tile.getChunkX() - (Settings.MAP_SIZES[mapSize] >> 4));

    public int getLocalY(WorldTile tile, int mapSize) {
        return y - 8 * (tile.getChunkY() - (Settings.MAP_SIZES[mapSize] >> 4));

    public int getLocalX(WorldTile tile) {
        return getLocalX(tile, 0);

    public int getLocalY(WorldTile tile) {
        return getLocalY(tile, 0);

    public int getLocalX() {
        return getLocalX(this);

    public int getLocalY() {
        return getLocalY(this);

    public int get18BitsLocationHash() {
        return getRegionY() + (getRegionX() << 8) + (plane << 16);

    public int get30BitsLocationHash() {
        return y + (x << 14) + (plane << 28);

    public boolean withinDistance(WorldTile tile, int distance) {
        if (tile.plane != plane)
            return false;
        int deltaX = tile.x - x, deltaY = tile.y - y;
        return deltaX <= distance && deltaX >= -distance && deltaY <= distance
                && deltaY >= -distance;

    public int hashCode() {
        final int prime = 31;
        int result = 1;
        result = prime * result + plane;
        result = prime * result + x;
        result = prime * result + y;
        return result;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj)
            return true;
        if (obj == null)
            return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
            return false;
        WorldTile other = (WorldTile) obj;
        if (plane != other.plane)
            return false;
        if (x != other.x)
            return false;
        if (y != other.y)
            return false;
        return true;

    public boolean withinDistance(WorldTile tile) {
        if (tile.plane != plane)
            return false;
        // int deltaX = tile.x - x, deltaY = tile.y - y;
        return Math.abs(tile.x - x) <= 15 && Math.abs(tile.y - y) <= 15;// deltaX
                                                                        // <= 14
                                                                        // &&
                                                                        // deltaX
                                                                        // >=
                                                                        // -15
                                                                        // &&
                                                                        // deltaY
                                                                        // <= 14
                                                                        // &&
                                                                        // deltaY
                                                                        // >=
                                                                        // -15;

    public int getCoordFaceX(int sizeX) {
        return getCoordFaceX(sizeX, -1, -1);

    public static final int getCoordFaceX(int x, int sizeX, int sizeY,
            int rotation) {
        return x + ((rotation == 1 || rotation == 3 ? sizeY : sizeX) - 1) / 2;

    public static final int getCoordFaceY(int y, int sizeX, int sizeY,
            int rotation) {
        return y + ((rotation == 1 || rotation == 3 ? sizeX : sizeY) - 1) / 2;

    public int getCoordFaceX(int sizeX, int sizeY, int rotation) {
        return x + ((rotation == 1 || rotation == 3 ? sizeY : sizeX) - 1) / 2;

    public int getCoordFaceY(int sizeY) {
        return getCoordFaceY(-1, sizeY, -1);

    public int getCoordFaceY(int sizeX, int sizeY, int rotation) {
        return y + ((rotation == 1 || rotation == 3 ? sizeX : sizeY) - 1) / 2;





我尝试模拟该问题并复制了您的类(class)。然后我创建了一个示例 WorldTile 类,如下所示:

public class WorldTile implements Serializable {

    short x = 4;
    byte y = 1;


File file = new File("obj.txt");
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
oos.writeObject(new InteractedObject(4, new WorldTile(), 5));

您未能实现此目标的唯一原因可能是您的 WorldTile 类。


另一个问题可能是您无法运行最新版本的文件。您是否保存了应用程序中的所有 .java 文件?

此外,您确定您已实现的 Serialized 接口(interface)是 indedd 吗?

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