java - 使用 GSON 和 TypeAdapter 将 BSON (mongoDB) 读入 POJO

标签 java mongodb gson bson

我正在寻找一种使用 GSON 将 MongoDB 文档读入 POJO 的方法。它工作得很好,直到你遇到像日期和长整型这样的东西。

我想为 Gson 编写一个自定义适配器,它将转换任何 BSON 编码长。正在阅读this帖子我创建了自己的适配器:

public class BsonLongTypeAdapter extends TypeAdapter<Long>
    public void write(JsonWriter out, Long value) throws IOException

    public Long read(JsonReader in) throws IOException
        assert "$numberLong".equals(in.nextName());
        Long value = in.nextLong();
        return value;


public void canWriteCorrectJSON() {
    Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(Long.class, new BsonLongTypeAdapter()).create();
    MyTestObject obj = new MyTestObject(1458569479431L);
    String gsonString = gson.toJson(obj);

public void canReadFromJSON() {
    Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(Long.class, new BsonLongTypeAdapter()).create();
    MyTestObject actualTaskObject = gson.fromJson("{\"timestamp\":{\"$numberLong\":\"1458569479431\"}}", MyTestObject.class);
    MyTestObject taskObject = new MyTestObject(1458569479431L);

private static class MyTestObject
    long timestamp;

    public MyTestObject(long ts)
        timestamp = ts;
    public long getTimestamp()
        return timestamp;

    public void setTimestamp(long timestamp)
        this.timestamp = timestamp;

第一个(写入)测试工作正常,但读取测试失败: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected a long but was BEGIN_OBJECT at line 1 column 15 path $.timestamp

因为我的适配器的读取函数从未被调用。我想这可能是因为我想映射到 MyTestObject 而不是 Long,但我不想为所有包含 long 的类编写适配器。

是否可以为 GSON 编写一个适配器,将我发送到其中的所有 BSON long 转换为该适配器?


我使用CustomizedTypeAdapterFactory解决了这个问题。 See this question


public abstract class CustomizedTypeAdapterFactory<C>
        implements TypeAdapterFactory
    private final Class<C> customizedClass;

    public CustomizedTypeAdapterFactory(Class<C> customizedClass) {
        this.customizedClass = customizedClass;

    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // we use a runtime check to guarantee that 'C' and 'T' are equal
    public final <T> TypeAdapter<T> create(Gson gson, TypeToken<T> type) {
        return type.getRawType() == customizedClass
                ? (TypeAdapter<T>) customizeMyClassAdapter(gson, (TypeToken<C>) type)
                : null;

    private TypeAdapter<C> customizeMyClassAdapter(Gson gson, TypeToken<C> type) {
        final TypeAdapter<C> delegate = gson.getDelegateAdapter(this, type);
        final TypeAdapter<JsonElement> elementAdapter = gson.getAdapter(JsonElement.class);
        return new TypeAdapter<C>() {
            @Override public void write(JsonWriter out, C value) throws IOException
                JsonElement tree = delegate.toJsonTree(value);
                beforeWrite(value, tree);
                elementAdapter.write(out, tree);
            @Override public C read(JsonReader in) throws IOException {
                JsonElement tree =;
                return delegate.fromJsonTree(tree);

     * Override this to muck with {@code toSerialize} before it is written to
     * the outgoing JSON stream.
    protected void beforeWrite(C source, JsonElement toSerialize) {

     * Override this to muck with {@code deserialized} before it parsed into
     * the application type.
    protected void afterRead(JsonElement deserialized) {

然后为所有需要考虑的类创建一个子类。您必须为每个包含 long 的类创建一个(在本例中)。但是除了 long 值(以及任何其他 bson 特定值)之外,您不必序列化任何内容

public class MyTestObjectTypeAdapterFactory extends CustomizedTypeAdapterFactory<MyTestObject>
    public MyTestObjectTypeAdapterFactory()

    protected void beforeWrite(MyTestObject source, JsonElement toSerialize)
        //you could convert back the other way here, I let mongo's document parser take care of that.

    protected void afterRead(JsonElement deserialized)
        JsonObject timestamp = deserialized.getAsJsonObject().get("timestamp").getAsJsonObject();

然后生成 Gson:

Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapterFactory(new MyTestObjectTypeAdapterFactory()).create();

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