java - 如何申请 overdraw 费用来平衡java

标签 java

大家好,我正在尝试在用户申请 overdraw 时收取 50 的 overdraw 费用。我的代码如下:

public void Withdraw(double amount){

      int Charge = 50; //overdraft charge
     if (balance - amount < 0) { 

                if ((balance -Charge)- amount  <= -300) { //If withdraw + overdraft charge goes over -300 then overdraft limit has been exceeded
                    System.out.println("You have exceeded your Overdraft Limit, you will now be returned back to the menus");

                 } else { //if not exceeding bank balance
                    balance -= amount ;  //subtract amount from balance 


它目前所做的只是在申请 overdraw 时显示负数,而不减去 overdraw 费用,如何才能使用户在申请 overdraw 时额外收取 50 美元?



} else { //if not exceeding bank balance
                    balance -= (amount + Charge) ;  //subtract amount and charge from balance 
                    System.out.println("You have withdrawen £" + amount);
                    System.err.println("You now have a balance of £" + balance);

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