java - 如何使用 JAXB 解码 java.nio.Path?

标签 java xml jaxb nio

我一直在尝试使用 JAXB 解码一些 xml,但我不断收到错误:


有没有办法告诉 JAXB 如何从字符串构建路径?


public class Project extends OutputConfiguration {
    private Path sourceDir;
    private Path buildDir;
    private String name;

     * Get the root directory of the sources.
     * This will be used as the working directory for the build.
     * @return the path
    public Path getSourceDir() {
        return sourceDir;

     * Get the root directory of the sources.
     * @param sourceDir the path
    public void setSourceDir(Path sourceDir) {
        this.sourceDir = sourceDir;

     * Get the build directory.
     * This is the directory where all outputs will be placed.
     * @return the path
    public Path getBuildDir() {
        return buildDir;

     * Set the build directory.
     * @param buildDir this is the directory where all outputs will be placed.
    public void setBuildDir(Path buildDir) {
        this.buildDir = buildDir;

     * Get the friendly name of the project.
     * @return the name of the project
    public String getName() {
        return name;

     * Set the friendly name of the project.
     * @param name the name
    @XmlElement(required = true)
    public void setName(String name) { = name;

我创建了一个 ObjectFactory 类,它调用默认构造函数并设置一些默认值。




您无法创建 XmlAdapter<String, Path>由于java.nio.file.Path is an interface, and JAXB can't handle interfaces.错误。因此您必须使用XmlAdapter<String, Object> ,自 Object 起生效是 Path 的父类(super class):

public class NioPathAdaptor extends XmlAdapter<String, Object> {
    public String marshal(Object v) {
        if (!(v instanceof Path)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(...);

然后您必须使用非常具体的 @XmlElement@XmlJavaTypeAdapter根据您的属性:

@XmlElement(type = Object.class)
private Path sourceDir;

type = Object.class告诉 JAXB 序列化它,就好像它是 Object ,以及@XmlJavaTypeAdapter说使用特定的 Object适用于该特定字段的适配器,而不是另一个更通用的适配器。

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