java - Watson Natural Language Understanding Java 示例

标签 java nlp watson

有人有使用 Java 调用 Watson Natural Language Understanding 的示例吗? API 文档仅显示 Node.js。然而,SDK 中有一个类支持它 - 但没有关于如何构造所需的“功能”、“AnalyzeOptions”或“Builder”输入的文档。

这是一个抛出“功能不能为空”的代码片段 - 此时我只是在黑暗中摸索

        String response = docConversionService.convertDocumentToHTML(doc).execute();

        Builder b = new AnalyzeOptions.Builder();

        AnalyzeOptions ao =;


在 API 引用发布之前,您是否尝试过查看 github 上的测试? See here for NaturalLanguageUnderstandingIT

我已经让它与文本字符串一起工作,并且查看上面的测试,让它与 URL 或 HTML 一起工作并不会太多(将AnalyzeOptions构建器调用从 text() 更改为 html( )例如)。


final NaturalLanguageUnderstanding understanding =
  new NaturalLanguageUnderstanding(
understanding.setUsernameAndPassword(serviceUsername, servicePassword);

final String testString =
  "In remote corners of the world, citizens are demanding respect"
    + " for the dignity of all people no matter their gender, or race, or religion, or disability,"
    + " or sexual orientation, and those who deny others dignity are subject to public reproach."
    + " An explosion of social media has given ordinary people more ways to express themselves,"
    + " and has raised people's expectations for those of us in power. Indeed, our international"
    + " order has been so successful that we take it as a given that great powers no longer"
    + " fight world wars; that the end of the Cold War lifted the shadow of nuclear Armageddon;"
    + " that the battlefields of Europe have been replaced by peaceful union; that China and India"
    + " remain on a path of remarkable growth.";
final ConceptsOptions concepts =
  new ConceptsOptions.Builder().limit(5).build();

final Features features =
  new Features.Builder().concepts(concepts).build();
final AnalyzeOptions parameters = new AnalyzeOptions.Builder()

final AnalysisResults results =

确保使用默认 header (setDefaultHeaders()) 填充 NLU 服务。我从 WatsonServiceTest 中提取了这些(我会发布链接,但我的代表太低。只需使用 WDC github 上的 FindFile 选项)

final Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();
headers.put(HttpHeaders.X_WATSON_LEARNING_OPT_OUT, String.valueOf(true));
headers.put(HttpHeaders.X_WATSON_TEST, String.valueOf(true));
return headers;

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