java - 我的代码可以编译,但没有显示预期的输出

标签 java


import java.util.Scanner;
 * Class:
 * Author: Robert Frankele
 * Description: Ask user to enter the maximum random number of rounds (2-8).
 * Then ask the user how many rounds they would like to execute (1-8).
 * Display the results in formatted columns as follows:
 * (example using 8 as max random number, and 2 and number of rounds)
 * Round    Rand #      Rand^Round      Modulus     Rand/Round
 *     1         7               7            0           7.00
 *     2         4              16            0           2.00
public class FRUnit5

    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Create a Scanner object for user input: 2pts
        Scanner userInput = new Scanner(;
        // Variable to hold user's input for maximum random number: 2pts
        double maxRandNum;
        // Variable to hold the number of rounds the user wishes to execute: 2pts
        double numRound;
        double maxRound;

        // Variable to hold the random number generated from the Math class
        // using the user's maximum random number as an argument: 2pts
        double randNumMath;
        // Ask the user to enter the maximum random number to use (2-8): 2pts
        System.out.print("Enter the maximum random number to use ");
        // Store the number they entered into the variable declared above: 2pts
        maxRandNum = userInput.nextInt();
        // Clear the buffer

        // Check to see if the number they entered is greater than 8: 5pts
        // If it is, display an error message and assign 8 as the maximum random number (see project example): 3pts
        // Then, assign 8 to the variable declared above that will hold the maximum random number: 3pts
            if (maxRandNum > 8)
            System.out.println("The maximum random number has to be <= 8");
            maxRandNum = 8;

        // Ask the user to enter the number of rounds they wish to execute.: 2pts
        System.out.print("Enter the number of rounds you wish to execute ");
        // Store the number they entered into the variable declared above: 2pts
        numRound = userInput.nextInt();

        // Print the header of the output, using the printf method: 8pts
        // Round    Rand #      Rand^Round      Modulus     Rand/Round
        System.out.printf("%10s%10s%15s%12s%15s\n", "Round", "Rand #", "Rand^Round", "Modulus", "Rand/Round");

        // Set up a for loop to iterate through the number of rounds: 10pts

        maxRound = 9;
        for (numRound = 0; numRound < maxRound; numRound++)
            // Calculate the random number given the maximum random number, and store in a local variable called randomNum: 5pts
            int randomNum = (int) (Math.random() * maxRandNum + 1);

            // Calculate the Rand^Round number, using Math.pow(randomNum, round) as the equation,
            // and store in a local variable called randToRound: 5pts
            double randToRound = (Math.pow(randomNum, numRound));

            // Calculate the modulus: randomNum % round, and store in a variable called modulusOfRand: 3pts
            double modulusOfRand = randomNum % numRound;

            // Calculate randomNum / round and store in a variable called randDivRound: 3pts
            double randDivRound = randomNum / numRound;

            // Using printf, display the results, remembering to only display randDivRound with two places after the decimal point: 10pts
            System.out.printf("%10d%10d%15d%12d%15.2f\n", numRound, randomNum, randToRound, modulusOfRand, randDivRound);


    } // end of main
} // end of class

这就是我所看到的: 输入要使用的最大随机数 9 最大随机数必须 <= 8 输入您想要执行的轮数 6 Round Rand # Rand^Round 模 Rand/Round 线程“main”中的异常 java.util.IllegalFormatConversionException: d != java.lang.Double 在 java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier.failConversion( 在 java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier.printInteger( 在 java.util.Formatter$FormatSpecifier.print( 在 java.util.Formatter.format( 在 在 在 FRUnit5.main( 按任意键继续 。 。 .



确保在 printf() 中为 double 类型的变量使用 %f 而不是 %d > 因为 %d 在 Java 中与十进制整数一起使用。


System.out.printf("%10d%10d%15d%12d%15.2f\n", numRound, randomNum, randToRound, modulusOfRand, randDivRound);


System.out.printf("%10f%10d%15f%12f%15.2f\n", numRound, randomNum, randToRound, modulusOfRand, randDivRound);

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