java - Spring/Thymeleaf 单元测试 : test does not send value for model correctly

标签 java spring unit-testing thymeleaf

我正在为我的代码编写单元测试。现在我想测试放入表单中的值是否正确保存在 Controller 的变量中。依赖于该模型属性是否正确的两个测试都会失败。因为模型存在但保持为空,这一定意味着我以错误的方式发送测试中的值。如何让我的测试包含输入的值以正确测试 post 方法?

测试 testPostValueInModel() 失败并出现断言错误:

java.lang.AssertionError: Model attribute 'chosenTemp' does not exist



public class InvoerschermTest {
    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    public void testCorrectModel() {
        try {
            this.mockMvc.perform(get("/invoer", "20")).andExpect(status().isOk())
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public void testPost() {
        try {
            this.mockMvc.perform(post("/invoer", "20")).andExpect(status().isOk())
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public void testPostValueInModel() {
        try {
            this.mockMvc.perform(post("/invoer", "20")).andExpect(status().isOk())
        } catch (Exception e) {

Controller :

public class InvoerschermController {

    private String chosenTemp = "20";
    private static PostgresDatabase database;
    private static Connection connection;

    // Static initializer for the database
    static {
        database = new PostgresDatabase();
        connection = database.connectToDatabase();

    public String invoer(Model model) {
        // int newTemp = Integer.parseInt(getChosenTemp());
        chosenTemp = database.getTemperature(connection);
        model.addAttribute("chosenTemp", getChosenTemp());
        return "invoerscherm";

    public String addInputTemp(String chosenTemp, Model model) {
        model.addAttribute("chosenTemp", getChosenTemp());

        try {
            int newTemp = Integer.parseInt(getChosenTemp());
            database.setTemperature(connection, newTemp);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            System.err.println("Invalid number: " + nfe.getMessage());

        return "invoerscherm";

    public String getChosenTemp() {
        return chosenTemp;

    public void setChosenTemp(String chosenTemp) {
        this.chosenTemp = chosenTemp;


<html xmlns:th="">
<head th:include="fragments/template :: head"></head>
<title>Smart CV</title>

    <nav th:replace="fragments/template :: header"></nav>

    <div class="container">
        <div class="hero-unit">
            <h1>Temperatuur instellen</h1>

        <form action="#" th:action="@{/invoer}" th:object="${invoerscherm}"
            <div class="form-group">
                <label for="chosenTemp">Gewenste temperatuur:</label> <input
                    type="text" class="form-control" id="chosenTemp" name="chosenTemp"
                    autocomplete="off" th:value="${chosenTemp}" />

            <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" name="submitKnop">Stel

    <nav th:replace="fragments/template :: footer"></nav>


首先你的 Controller 有缺陷。您不应该保留本地状态(尝试想象当 3 个用户同时提交时 chosenTemp 字段会发生什么,因为只有一个 InvoerschermController 实例。

您的方法参数应使用 @RequestParam("chosenTemp") 进行注释,以匹配您发送的表单。您的测试还应该反射(reflect)出您正在发送名为 chosenTemp 的参数这一事实。

首先是你的 Controller

public class InvoerschermController {

    private static PostgresDatabase database;
    private static Connection connection;

    // Static initializer for the database
    static {
        database = new PostgresDatabase();
        connection = database.connectToDatabase();

    public String invoer(Model model) {
        Integer chosenTemp = database.getTemperature(connection);
        model.addAttribute("chosenTemp", chosenTemp);
        return "invoerscherm";

    public String addInputTemp(@RequestParam("chosenTemp") Integer chosenTemp, Model model) {
        model.addAttribute("chosenTemp", chosenTemp);
            database.setTemperature(connection, chosenTemp);
        return "invoerscherm";

注意类型从StringInteger 的变化 Spring 将为您进行类型转换,并注意添加@RequestParam。现在你的测试也应该反射(reflect)这一点。

public class InvoerschermTest {
    private MockMvc mockMvc;

    public void testCorrectModel() {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public void testPost() {
        try {
            this.mockMvc.perform(post("/invoer").param("chosenTemp", "20").andExpect(status().isOk())
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public void testPostValueInModel() {
        try {
            this.mockMvc.perform(post("/invoer").param("chosenTemp", "20")).andExpect(status().isOk())
        } catch (Exception e) {

请注意添加 .param("chosenTemp", "20") 以添加具有该名称的请求参数。

您的 Controller 仍然有缺陷,恕我直言,因为它不应该关心应该全部封装在您的Database类中的Connection。尽管您的测试现在可能有效,但由于使用 Thymeleaf 和表单绑定(bind),您的实际应用程序仍然会失败。表单绑定(bind)期望键 invoerScherm 下的对象可用,并且该对象应具有名为 chosenTemp 的属性。你实际上缺少一个表单对象。那么你的 Controller 实际上应该是什么样子。


public class InvoerScherm {
    private Integer chosenTemp;
    public InvoerScherm() {}
    public InvoerScherm(Integer temp) { this.chosenTemp=temp;}
    // Here be getters/setters

然后让您的 Controller 创建并使用它

public class InvoerschermController {

    private static PostgresDatabase database;
    private static Connection connection;

    // Static initializer for the database
    static {
        database = new PostgresDatabase();
        connection = database.connectToDatabase();

    public String invoer(Model model) {
        Integer chosenTemp = database.getTemperature(connection);
        InvoerScherm invoerScherm = new InvoerScherm(chosenTemp);
        model.addAttribute("invoerScherm", invoerScherm);
        return "invoerscherm";

    public String addInputTemp(@ModelAttribute InvoerScherm invoerScherm, Model model) {
            database.setTemperature(connection, invoerScherm.getChosenTemp());
        return "invoerscherm";


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