java - 如何返回数组的元素编号?

标签 java arrays element

我已经编写了下面的代码,现在我需要编辑它,以便它显示已超过 3000 的结账号码。即它必须显示:

以下结账金额已超过 3000.00 英镑: 结帐编号“元素编号” 结帐编号“元素编号”等

我一直在尝试一些不同的方法,但还没有成功。感谢您的帮助 !

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Checkouts
   static final int NUMBER_OF_CHECKOUTS = 6, MAX_TAKING = 1000000;

   public static void main(String[] args)
      Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
      double[] checkoutList = new double[NUMBER_OF_CHECKOUTS];

  for (int index = 0; index < checkoutList.length; index++)
     System.out.print("\tEnter takings for checkout number ");
     System.out.print((index + 1) + ": ");
     checkoutList[index] = scan.nextDouble();
     while (checkoutList[index] < 0 || checkoutList[index] > MAX_TAKING)
        System.out.print("\tImpossible! - enter takings for checkout number ");
        System.out.print((index + 1) + " again: ");
        checkoutList[index] = scan.nextDouble();
  double totalTakings = 0;
  for (int index = 0; index < checkoutList.length; index++)
     totalTakings += checkoutList[index];

  System.out.println("The total takings for the supermarket is " + totalTakings );

} }


由于您已经有一个遍历每个索引的 for 循环,我们可以在那里进行检查:

  System.out.println("The following checkouts have taken more than 3000.00 pounds:");
  for (int index = 0; index < checkoutList.length; index++)
     totalTakings += checkoutList[index];

     if(checkoutList[index] > 3000.00){
         //now we can be sure the current index is the location of
         //a checkout that was > 3000.00 pounds
         System.out.println("Checkout Number: " + index);

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