java - Codename 一台用于检索列表的解析服务器

标签 java list codenameone parse-server parse4cn1

您好,我正在使用 Codename One 和 Parse Server 将数据库保存在我的移动应用程序中,但我想将查询的每个结果放在一个按钮中,因为我需要单击列表中的每个元素。 ParseQuery.getQuery("List") "List"是数据库中引用的 ID,"Title"返回 String。


public Container retrieveList(String content) {

    Container list = new Container(BoxLayout.y());

    ParseObject po = null;

    try {

        po = ParseObject.fetch(content /*class name*/, "nsC2NdmCuQ" /*objectId*/);

    } catch (ParseException e) {"Err", "Oops! Database is not available at the moment" + e.getCode(), "OK", null);

    Label title = new Label("Book's Title: " + po.getString("Title"));
    return list;


public void listMenu() {

final Form listMenu = new Form("Welcome to the List Menu"); listMenu.setLayout(new BoxLayout(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); ParseQuery<ParseObject> query = ParseQuery.getQuery("List"); query.whereExists("Title"); List<ParseObject> results = null; Container dumpList = null; listMenu.add(dumpList).removeAll(); ParseServerDAO ps = new ParseServerDAO(); try { results = query.find(); int index = 0; for(;index < results.size();) { dumpList = ps.retrieveList(//How to get each element from results?); //Add each element of results to a button. } } catch (com.parse4cn1.ParseException e) {"Oops! Try later, server is not working right now.", "", "OK", null); } listMenu.add(dumpList); }



public MultiButton retrieveListItem(String content, ActionListener l) {
    ParseObject po = null;
    try {

        po = ParseObject.fetch(content /*class name*/, "nsC2NdmCuQ" /*objectId*/);

    } catch (ParseException e) {"Err", "Oops! Database is not available at the moment" + e.getCode(), "OK", null);

    MultiButton title = new MultiButton("Book's Title: " + po.getString("Title"));
    title.putClientProperty("ParseObject", po);
    return title;

请注意,您可以使用 Button , MultiButton , SpanButton等用于各种用例。

请注意,在操作监听器中,您需要调用 getActualComponent()在事件对象上, getComponent() .


 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) {
     MultiButton mb = ev.getActualComponent();
     ParseObject po = (ParseObject)mb.getClientProperty("ParseObject");

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