java - spring aop执行返回类型

标签 java spring aop aspectj

我 通过 AspectJ 拦截方法。我需要在切入点表达式 execution(* *.*(..)) 添加返回类型 TestObj。我怎样才能做到这一点?

@Around("@annotation(interceptor) && execution(* *.*(..)) && args(argType, ..)")
public Object logAction(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, Interceptor interceptor, TestObj argType) throws Throwable {
    // do smth


execution() 表达式支持返回类型过滤。如果您需要返回类型为 TestObj 或其任何子类型,则以下内容应该有效:

@Around("@annotation(interceptor) && execution(* TestObj *.*(..)) && args(argType, ..)")
public Object logAction(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, Interceptor interceptor, TestObj argType) throws Throwable {

您可以找到更多in the official docs, Chapter 2. Annotations :

execution(public (@Immutable *)*.*(..))

The execution of any public method in a package with prefix, where the method returns an immutable result.

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