java - 继承:是在父类(super class)内部复制内容吗?

标签 java object inheritance memory


//Java program to illustrate the 
    // concept of inheritance 

    // base class
    class Bicycle 
        // the Bicycle class has two fields
        public int gear;
        public int speed;

        // the Bicycle class has one constructor
        public Bicycle(int gear, int speed)
            this.gear = gear;
            this.speed = speed;

        // the Bicycle class has three methods
        public void applyBrake(int decrement)
            speed -= decrement;

        public void speedUp(int increment)
            speed += increment;

        // toString() method to print info of Bicycle
        public String toString() 
            return("No of gears are "+gear +"\n" + "speed of bicycle is "+speed);

    // derived class
    class MountainBike extends Bicycle 

        // the MountainBike subclass adds one more field
        public int seatHeight;

        // the MountainBike subclass has one constructor
        public MountainBike(int gear,int speed, int startHeight)
            // invoking base-class(Bicycle) constructor
            super(gear, speed);
            seatHeight = startHeight;

        // the MountainBike subclass adds one more method
        public void setHeight(int newValue)
            seatHeight = newValue;

        // overriding toString() method
        // of Bicycle to print more info
        public String toString()
            return (super.toString()+ "\nseat height is "+seatHeight);


    // driver class
    public class Test 
                public static void main(String args[]) 

            MountainBike mb = new MountainBike(3, 100, 25);



当创建 My_Calculation 类的对象时,会在其中创建父类(super class)内容的副本。


当子类继承父类(super class)时,它实际上会复制其中的所有内容吗(这意味着父类(super class)和子类都有重复的字段,如 gearspeed ...等)

gearspeedsubclass只是对 superclass 的引用字段?


不,没有任何内容被“复制”到子类中。您的 MountainBike 是具有一组字段的单个对象。其中一些字段在 MountainBike 类中声明,另一些在其 Bicycle 父类(super class)中声明,但您的对象上仍然只有一组字段。


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