java - 在异步执行时停止函数链执行的最佳实践是什么?

标签 java java-8


Function<Integer, Integer> func = (value) -> value + 5;
        func = func.andThen((value) -> {
            //Imagine that here some code executed and raised an exception, I'm throwing it 
            //manually just for the sake of this example.
            throw new RuntimeException("failed");
        func = func.andThen((value) -> {
            System.out.println("Reached last function !");
            return value;

现在,您可以看到我在第一个 andThen 方法中引发了运行时异常。那是因为我想阻止第二个 andThen 被执行。这是最好的方法吗?


private static void executeFunction(Function<Integer, Integer> function) {
        CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> function.apply(100));

在这种情况下,如果我想确保记录异常,但 andThen 链中的下一个函数没有执行,我应该记录并抛出异常吗?这不是一个 ati 模式吗?


实例化和抛出大量异常可能会变得相当昂贵,这就是为什么它们应该仅限于异常情况。相反,您可以使用 Optional对于控制流:

func = (value) -> Optional.of(value + 5);
func = func.andThen((optionalValue) -> {
    // Instead of throwing an exception, return an empty Optional
    System.out.println("Log the failure");
    return Optional.empty();
func = func.andThen((optionalValue) -> { -> { // This lambda will only execute if optionalValue is not empty
        System.out.println("Reached last function !");
        return value; // map wraps this in an Optional
// Finally, unwrap the value. Optional provides a number of ways to do this, depending on how you want to handle failure/empty
func = func.andThen((optional) -> optional.orElse(...));

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