iphone - 以模态方式呈现 UIDatePicker

标签 iphone uiviewcontroller ios uipickerview

嘿,我有一个 View ,它有一个按钮,按下该按钮时应以模态方式呈现一个 UIDatePicker。我让选择器正确显示,但因为它位于自己的 UIView 上,所以它是全高的,看起来很有趣。我想要的只是从用户那里获得一个非常快速的日期输入,更像是一个 UIActionSheet 而不是 UIView

如何让 UIPicker 仅半途向上滑动并在工具栏上执行一些操作,例如完成等?



你可以将它放在另一个具有透明背景的 UIView 上,或者更简单地说,不要使用 presentModalViewController,而是编写你自己的例程以在当前 View 中显示它。

 // Untested code:
 // put this in your current UIViewController (the one where you were going to call presentModalViewController:)

 - (void)showPicker:(UIPickerView *) picker{
      CGRect startFrame = picker.frame;
      CGRect endFrame = picker.frame;
      // Set the start position to below the bottom of the visible frame:
      startFrame.origin.y = self.view.frame.size.height;
      // Set the end position to slid up by the height of the view, so it will just fit:
      endFrame.origin.y = startFrame.origin.y - endFrame.size.height;    
      picker.frame = startFrame;

      [self.view addSubView:picker];
      [UIView beginAnimations]
      picker.frame = endFrame;
      [UIView commitAnimations];


关于iphone - 以模态方式呈现 UIDatePicker,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3655721/


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