java - 如何修复 "...PlaceHistoryMapperWithFactory cannot be implemented more than once..."

标签 java gwt

我刚刚按照建议尝试了 PlaceHistoryMapperWithFactory here 。所以我的 AppPlaceHistoryMapper 看起来像这样:

    @WithTokenizers({ InfoPlace.Tokenizer.class, LogPlace.Tokenizer.class })
public interface AppPlaceHistoryMapper extends PlaceHistoryMapperWithFactory<TokenizerFactory> {


我还更改了 gin 模块:


但我不会 gwt 编译。我明白

[INFO] Compiling module de.stalabw.zensus2011.adb.AuswertungsDB
[INFO]    Scanning for additional dependencies:
[INFO]       Adding '57' new generated units
[INFO]          Validating newly compiled units
[INFO]             Ignored 1 unit with compilation errors in first pass.
[INFO] Compile with -strict or with -logLevel set to TRACE or DEBUG to see all errors.
[INFO]    [ERROR] Errors in ''
[INFO]       [ERROR] Line 10:  The interface PlaceHistoryMapperWithFactory cannot be implemented more than once with different arguments: PlaceHistory
MapperWithFactory<Void> and PlaceHistoryMapperWithFactory
[INFO]    [ERROR] Cannot proceed due to previous errors


public class PlaceHistoryMapperMock extends AbstractPlaceHistoryMapper<void> implements

public class PlaceHistoryMapperMock extends AbstractPlaceHistoryMapper<TokenizerFactory> implements



问题可能是您有一个 GWT.create(PlaceHistoryMapperWithFactory.class)代码中的某处(可能由 GIN 生成),生成器尝试生成 PlaceHistoryMapperWithFactoryImpl实现 PlaceHistoryMapperWithFactory 的类(该类名是有症状的) (传递给 GWT.create() )和 PlaceHistoryMapperWithFactory<Void> (因为生成的类扩展了 AbstractPlaceHistoryMapper<Void> )。

这实际上取决于您对 PlaceHistoryMapperWithFactory 的依赖程度在您的代码中声明。

IMO,你可能应该依赖 PlaceHistoryMapper在你的代码中,而不是一些 PlaceHistoryMapperWithFactory 。如果您需要该依赖项(因为这是您调用 setFactory 的地方),您应该依赖于参数化类型 PlaceHistoryMapperWithFactory<TokenizerFactory> ,必须使用TypeLiteral映射到GIN中:

bind(new TypeLiteral<PlaceHistoryMapperWithFactory<TokenizerFactory>>() {}).to(AppPlaceHistoryMapper.class);

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