java - 如何在 Java 中比较和排序两个数组列表

标签 java


studentNames.txt 和 StudentScores.txt - 姓名包含学生 ID 和姓名,分数包含学生 ID 和分数。我已将数据放入两个 ArrayList 中,并希望对数据进行排序,以便成绩转到匹配的 ID。


|  ID  |     Name     |  Grade  |
| 3305 | Smith Henry  | 92.0    |
| 5555 | Eddy Olivia  | 95.5    |
| 8915 | Johnson Luke | 98.5    |

数据继续仅填充 ID/成绩 - 我知道我需要使用 if 语句,但我该如何做呢?


import java.util.*;

public class P_Supplemental_9 {

public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
   File file1 = new File("c:/temp/studentNames.txt");
   File file2 = new File("c:/temp/studentScores.txt");

   if(file1.exists()) {
   Scanner input = new Scanner(file1);

   ArrayList<Student> students = new ArrayList();

   while(input.hasNext()) {
   students.add(new Student(input.nextInt(),input.nextLine()));


   for(int o = 0;o < students.size();o++) {
   System.out.printf("%10d %20s avg\n", students.get(o).getStuId(),     students.get(o).getStuName());

   } // end for


   if(file2.exists()) {
       Scanner input = new Scanner(file2);

       ArrayList<Student> grades = new ArrayList();

       while(input.hasNext()) {
           grades.add(new Student(input.nextInt(), input.nextLine()));

       } /// end while

   for(int o = 0;o < grades.size();o++) {

       System.out.printf("%10d %20s avg\n", grades.get(o).getStuId(), grades.get(o).getStuName());
   } // end for

   } // end if(file2.exists)

  } // end main method
 } // end P_Supplemental_9

class Student {
    private int stuId;
    private String stuName;
    private ArrayList <Double> grades;

    Student(int idIn, String nameIn) {

        this.stuId = idIn;
        this.stuName = nameIn;
       } // end student class

    Student(int idIn, ArrayList gradesIn) {
        this.stuId = idIn;
        this.grades = gradesIn;


        public int getStuId() {
            return stuId;

         * @param stuId the stuId to set
        public void setStuId(int stuId) {
            this.stuId = stuId;

         * @return the stuName
        public String getStuName() {
            return stuName;

         * @param stuName the stuName to set
        public void setStuName(String stuName) {
            this.stuName = stuName;

         * @return the grades
        public ArrayList getGrades() {
            return grades;

         * @param grades the grades to set
        public void setGrades(ArrayList grades) {
            this.grades = grades;

} // end student class

这是来自 Studentnames.txt 的数据

3305 Smith Henry
5555 Eddy Olivia
8915 Johnson Luke

这是来自 Studentscores.txt 的数据

3305 92.0
5555 95.5
8915 98.5
3305 89.0
5555 90.5
8915 95.5
3305 78.5
5555 85.0
8915 82.0


您可以使用Collections#sort(List, Comparator)对两个列表进行排序。



Collections.sort(studentNames, new Comparator<Student>() {
    public int compareTo(Student o1, Student o2) {
        return o1.getStuId() - o2.getStuId();

这将为您提供按学生 ID 排序的学生列表

然后,您可以使用相同的概念对分数列表进行排序。完成后,这两个列表现在应该按学生 ID 顺序排列,并且您应该能够循环它们。

另一个想法是将学生和分数存储在与学生 ID 相关的Map 中。

然后,您将能够迭代 map 的键并根据这些 ID 提取每个学生和分数



基本上,我们将每个学生的姓名放入一个根据个人 ID 进行排序的映射中。然后,我们将每个列表放在根据 ID 键控的排序映射中的列表中

public class TestArraySort {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new TestArraySort();

    public TestArraySort() {

        try {
            File file1 = new File("studentNames.txt");
            File file2 = new File("studentScores.txt");

            // Better to check for both files here, other wise it's just wasting time
            if (file1.exists() && file2.exists()) {
                // Create the sorted maps so that they are in scope...
                Map<Integer, String> mapStudents = new TreeMap<Integer, String>();
                Map<Integer, List<Double>> mapScores = new TreeMap<Integer, List<Double>>();

                Scanner input = null;
                try {
                    input = new Scanner(file1);
                    // Read the student information...
                    while (input.hasNext()) {
                        int id = input.nextInt();
                        String name = input.nextLine().trim();
                        mapStudents.put(id, name);
                    // Safty net
                } finally {

                try {
                    // Read the scores
                    input = new Scanner(file2);
                    while (input.hasNext()) {
                        int id = input.nextInt();
                        double score = input.nextDouble();

                        // If the list doesn't already exist, create it
                        List<Double> scores = mapScores.get(id);
                        if (scores == null) {
                            scores = new ArrayList<Double>(25);
                            mapScores.put(id, scores);
                    } /// end while
                    // Safty net
                } finally {

                // Dump the results
                for (Integer id : mapStudents.keySet()) {
                    // Display the student results
                    String name = mapStudents.get(id);
                    System.out.printf("| %10d | %-20s | ", id, name);
                    List<Double> scores = mapScores.get(id);
                    if (scores.size() > 0) {

                        // Sort the list
                        // Reverse the list so that the scores are now in order from highest to lowest
                        // Sure, I could create a reverse comparator when I sort it, but
                        // I'm lazy...

                        // Print the first score...
                        System.out.printf("%4.1f |\n", scores.get(0));
                        // Print the remaining scores...
                        for (int index = 1; index < scores.size(); index++) {
                            System.out.printf("| %10s | %-20s | %4.1f |\n", "", "", scores.get(index));

                    } else {

                        System.out.println("00.0 |");



            } // end if(file2.exists)    }

        } catch (IOException exp) {


|       3305 | Smith Henry          | 92.0 |
|            |                      | 89.0 |
|            |                      | 78.5 |
|       5555 | Eddy Olivia          | 95.5 |
|            |                      | 90.5 |
|            |                      | 85.0 |
|       8915 | Johnson Luke         | 98.5 |
|            |                      | 95.5 |
|            |                      | 82.0 |

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