java - 方法重载,为什么必须强制转换父类(super class)型

标签 java overloading


public static abstract class Animal {

    public abstract void attack(Animal other);

public static class Cat extends Animal {

    public void attack(Animal other) {
        catAttack(other); <-------- Problem here

    private void catAttack(Cat other) {
        // Maybe a meow showdown wins the fight, no need to get physical

    private void catAttack(Dog other) {
        // Dogs are dangerous, run!


public static class Dog extends Animal {

    public void attack(Animal other) {




if (other instanceof Cat)
 catAttack((Cat) other);
if (other instanceof Dog)
 catAttack((Dog) other);


the cat can attack a dog or another cat which both happen to be animals, I am curious as to why the burden of casting the other animal to either dog or cat is on me, why doesn't java try and see if it is either cat or dog because I have two methods that match either a cat or a dog and then throw an error if it was an elephant instead?


the cat can attack a dog or another cat which both happen to be animals, I am curious as to why the burden of casting the other animal to either dog or cat is on me, why doesn't java try and see if it is either cat or dog because I have two methods that match either a cat or a dog and then throw an error if it was an elephant instead?

不幸的是,您的建议与当前 java 编译器实现的方法匹配系统不一致。



float b = 4.6f;
int a = 5 + b;

这里编译器知道b是float类型,知道operator +有一个(int + float = float)的条目,并且知道a是integer类型。因此,它推断表达式的类型为 float,并且必须转换为整数才能分配给 a。 java 中不允许这种转换,因此它会输出错误以防止精度损失。



public void attack(Animal other) {
    catAttack(other); <-------- Problem here

private void catAttack(Cat other) {
    // Maybe a meow showdown wins the fight, no need to get physical

private void catAttack(Dog other) {
    // Dogs are dangerous, run!

在不运行整个程序的情况下,java编译器无法推断方法attack(Animal other)中变量other的真实类。 它只能知道“指针”是 Animal 类型,因此真正的类可以是扩展 Animal 的任何类,并且它必须对您对 catAttack(other) 的调用进行类型检查(并静态解析方法调用)/code> 只知道这一点。

由于没有 catAttack(Animal) 方法,java 编译器无法保证代码的类型安全,并输出错误。


public static abstract class Animal {

   public abstract void attack(Animal other);

   public abstract void beAttackedByCat(Animal cat);
   public abstract void beAttackedByDog(Animal dog);

public static class Cat extends Animal {

   public void attack(Animal other) {

   public void beAttackedByCat(Animal cat){ // cat > cat }
   public void beAttackedByDog(Animal dog){ // dog > cat }

public static class Dog extends Animal {

   public void attack(Animal other) {

   public void beAttackedByCat(Animal cat){ // cat > dog }
   public void beAttackedByDog(Animal dog){ // dog > dog }


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