java - 当委托(delegate)方法具有相同的保护时,如何处理保护子句并引发异常?

标签 java oop


我正在尝试国际象棋程序的类设计。我最初创建了一个 Chessboard 类,其中包含允许您放置棋子的方法。原因是:

  1. 它是不可变的,我认为重复创建新的棋盘对象只是为了初始化它似乎没有必要。
  2. 理想情况下,棋盘应填充棋子一次,并且应通过棋盘的界面对棋盘进行进一步更改。

我创建了一个可变的 PieceSet 类,该类在 Chessboard 构造函数中传递。

// Showing as interface instead of class, because implementation is not important
public interface PieceSet
    void putBishop(Square square, Color color) throws UndefinedSquareException;

    void putKing(Square square, Color color) throws UndefinedSquareException;

    void putKnight(Square square, Color color) throws UndefinedSquareException;

    void putPawn(Square square, Color color) throws UndefinedSquareException;

    void putQueen(Square square, Color color) throws UndefinedSquareException;

    void putRook(Square square, Color color) throws UndefinedSquareException;

    void removePiece(Square square);

    void relocate(Square fromSquare, Square toSquare) throws UndefinedSquareException;

PieceSet 的实现中,方法将使用守卫来检查空方 block

if(null == square)
    throw new UndefinedSquareException(...);

Chessboard 类将使用 PieceSet 类,例如,如下所示:

public final class Chessboard
    private PieceSet pieces;

    public Chessboard()
        this.pieces = new PieceSet();

    public Chessboard(PieceSet initialPieces)
        this.pieces = new PieceSet(initialPieces);

    public Chessboard removePiece(Square square) throws UndefinedSquareException
         * Check for null here and throw exception??
         * PieceSet does the same thing.

        PieceSet newPieces = new PieceSet(this.pieces);


        return new Chessboard(newPieces);

    public Chessboard movePiece(Square fromSquare, Square toSquare)  throws UndefinedSquareException
         * Check for null here and throw exception??
         * PieceSet does the same thing.
        PieceSet newPieces = new PieceSet(this.pieces);

        newPieces.relocate(fromSquare, toSquare);

        return new Chessboard(newPieces);

那么问题是,由于 Chessboard 也接收 Square 类型参数,并且它们不应该为 null,我是否也将守卫放入ChessboardremovePiecemovePiece 方法?

if(null == square)
    throw new UndefinedSquareException(...);


我的另一个想法是将 PieceSet 建模为 Chessboard 的构建器(尽管 PieceSet 可能不再是一个好名字了,我不会更改示例的名称)。我想既然 PieceSet 的最初想法是用它来创建一个填充的 Chessboard,那么我会让它成为 PieceSet 的责任来执行此操作,而不是将其传递给Chessboard

public interface PieceSet
    putBishop(Square square, Color color) throws UndefinedSquareException;

    putKing(Square square, Color color) throws UndefinedSquareException;

    // Same from above, etc. EXCEPT no remove or relocate methods

    // This is new
    Chessboard createBoard();


// The Chessboard doesn't have to use PieceSet. It can be implemented using any data structure to store pieces.
public final class Chessboard
    private Map<Square, Piece>pieces;

    public Chessboard(Map<Square, Piece> initialPieces)
        this.pieces = new HashMap<Square, Piece>(initialPieces);

    public Chessboard removePiece(Square square)
        // No more duplication of checking for null square, and throwing exception

    public Chessboard movePiece(Square fromSquare, Square toSquare)
        // No more duplication of checking for null square, and throwing exception



但具体到棋盘问题:我不确定我是否同意 UndefinedSquareException 甚至应该是一个受检查的异常。为什么此 API 的用户会提供对空 Square 或不受此棋盘管理的 Square 的引用,并期望恢复?因此,我倾向于认为 UndefinedSquareException 扩展了 RuntimeException 并且根本不需要出现在您的签名中,或者 Chessboard 从 PieceSet 捕获已检查的异常并在其位置抛出 RuntimeException。

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关于java - 当委托(delegate)方法具有相同的保护时,如何处理保护子句并引发异常?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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