java - Gson:更改映射键的序列化方式

标签 java serialization gson

好的,我有一个 Map<Vector3i,String>我想保存,问题是,我只需要 x,z 值,所以结果应该如下所示:

  "1,2": "test"
  "13,5": "test"
  "9,4": "test"

这是我的JsonSerializer<Vector3i> :

public class Vector3iAdapter implements JsonSerializer<Vector3i> {
     public JsonElement serialize(Vector3i src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) {
        return new JsonPrimitive(src.getX()+","+ src.getZ());


  "(1, 0, 2)": "test"
  "(13, 0, 5)": "test"
  "(9, 0, 4)": "test"

自从序列化 Vector3i它不能用作 Map 中的键我问,它按预期工作,为什么它的行为不同以及我将如何解决这个问题。


我认为在 Gson.Builder 上调用 enableComplexMapKeySerialization() 应该可以解决问题。来自 the Gson documentation:

Enabling this feature will only change the serialized form if the map key is a complex type (i.e. non-primitive) in its serialized JSON form. The default implementation of map serialization uses toString() on the key; however, when this is called then one of the following cases apply...

此外,如果您计划稍后也反序列化 JSON,您应该阅读以下答案:

关于java - Gson:更改映射键的序列化方式,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


java - JSON解析异常 : Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was BEGIN_OBJECT?

java - ClassNotFoundException : edu. stanford.nlp.tagger.maxent.ExtractorNonAlphanumeric

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