
标签 java arrays stack

我对编程比较陌生,无法解决这个问题。我有一个刚刚设置的数组堆栈。我正在尝试创建一个 toString() 方法,该方法返回从堆栈顶部到底部列出的数组的内容。


到目前为止,我的 toString 方法的代码是:

 * Returns a string representation of this stack. The string has
 * form of each element printed on its own line, with the top most              
 * element displayed first, and the bottom most element displayed
 * last.
 * If the list is empty, returns the word "empty".
 * @return a string representation of the stack
public String toString()
    String result = "";
    for (int scan = 0; scan < top; scan++)
        result = result + stack[scan].toString() + "\n";
    return result;



将 toString 方法替换为:

 public String toString(){
     String result = "";
     for (int scan =top-1 ; scan >= 0; scan--)
         result = result + stack[scan].toString() + "\n";
     return result;

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