java - FindBugs 不会提示枚举中的不可序列化字段

标签 java serialization enums findbugs


class NonSerializable {

class CanSerialize implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
    public NonSerializable nonSerializable;

FindBugs 引发违规

<BugInstance rank="14" category="BAD_PRACTICE" priority="1" abbrev="Se" type="SE_BAD_FIELD">



class NonSerializable {

enum CanSerialize {
    public NonSerializable nonSerializable;

FindBugs 不再提示。这是 FindBugs 中的错误还是在枚举中包含非 transient 、不可序列化字段是安全的?


一方面,您的问题的答案是在枚举中包含非 transient 不可序列化字段是安全的。另一方面,当枚举进行序列化时,它们不会被序列化。因此,即使它们没有被声明为 transient ,它们的工作方式仍然类似于 transient 字段。

来自 Java 对象序列化规范:

1.12 Serialization of Enum Constants Enum constants are serialized differently than ordinary serializable or externalizable objects. The serialized form of an enum constant consists solely of its name; field values of the constant are not present in the form. To serialize an enum constant, ObjectOutputStream writes the value returned by the enum constant's name method. To deserialize an enum constant, ObjectInputStream reads the constant name from the stream; the deserialized constant is then obtained by calling the java.lang.Enum.valueOf method, passing the constant's enum type along with the received constant name as arguments. Like other serializable or externalizable objects, enum constants can function as the targets of back references appearing subsequently in the serialization stream.

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因此,NonSerialized 是否可序列化并不会产生真正的影响。所以 FindBugs 没有在枚举中标记这一点是正确的。


编辑:感谢 @TJR 提供的链接,以下 SpotBugs 问题相关(以及指向您的问题的链接):False positive SE_BAD_FIELD for non-transient non-serializable in an enum 。 SpotBugs 是 FindBugs 的继承者,基于 FindBugs 代码库构建并进一步开发。

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