java - 如何在不使用 glRotateF 内置函数的情况下在 JOGL 中绕 Z 轴旋转图像

标签 java opengl jogl

如何在不使用 glRotatef 的情况下在 JOGL 中绕 Z 轴旋转图像功能?我不明白如何获得 z' 因为没有 e.getZ()功能。如何计算 z_prime ?现在,当我尝试绕 z 轴旋转时,它就像一开始就绕 z 轴旋转,然后开始绕 y 轴旋转,然后回到 z (这是有道理的,因为我有 z_rot += y_prime 。如何我可以围绕z旋转它并计算z'吗?

        public void transform(float[] vertices_in, float[] vertices_out){

            // perform your transformation

            int length = vertices_in.length;
            float[] transformMatrix = 
                   r11, r12, r13, tx,
                   r21, r22, r23, ty,
                   r31, r32, r33, tz,
                   0,   0,   0, 1

            // Fill in the empty verticesout vector
            for(int i = 0; i < vertices_in.length; i++)
                vertices_out[i] = vertices_in[i];
            // loop through and set the new matrix (after translation)
            // because
            // 1 0 0 0
            // 0 1 0 0
            // 0 0 1 0

            // X Rotation
            for(int i = 0; i < vertices_out.length; i += 3)
                vertices_out[i+1] = vertices_out[i+1] * (float)Math.cos(xRot) - vertices_out[i+2] * (float)Math.sin(xRot); //New Y
                vertices_out[i+2] = vertices_out[i+1] * (float)Math.sin(xRot) + vertices_out[i+2] * (float)Math.cos(xRot); //New Z

            // Y Rotation
            for(int i = 0; i < vertices_out.length; i += 3)
                vertices_out[i] = vertices_out[i] * (float)Math.cos(yRot) + vertices_out[i+2] * (float)Math.sin(yRot);
                vertices_out[i+2] = vertices_out[i]*-(float)Math.sin(yRot) + vertices_out[i+2]*(float)Math.cos(yRot);

            // Z Rotation
            for(int i = 0; i < vertices_out.length; i += 3)
                vertices_out[i] = vertices_out[i] * (float)Math.cos(zRot) - vertices_out[i+1] * (float)Math.sin(zRot);
                vertices_out[i+1] = vertices_out[i] * (float)Math.sin(zRot) + vertices_out[i+1] * (float)Math.cos(zRot);

            // Translation & Scaling
            for(int i = 0; i < vertices_in.length; i+=3)
                vertices_out[i] = vertices_out[i] * transformMatrix[0] + transformMatrix[3]; //x'
                vertices_out[i+1] = vertices_out[i+1] * transformMatrix[5] + transformMatrix[7]; //y'
                vertices_out[i+2] = vertices_out[i+2] * transformMatrix[10] + transformMatrix[11]; //z'


public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
            float XX = (e.getX()-windowWidth*0.5f)*orthoX/windowWidth;
            float YY = -(e.getY()-windowHeight*0.5f)*orthoX/windowWidth;

            float x_prime = (StartXX - XX);
            float y_prime = (StartYY - YY);

                zRot += y_prime/50;

                xRot += y_prime/50;
                yRot += x_prime/50;
                StartYY = YY;
                StartXX = XX;   




y = y * (float)Math.cos(xRot) - z * (float)Math.sin(xRot); //New Y
z = y * (float)Math.sin(xRot) + z * (float)Math.cos(xRot); //New Z

第一行是正确的。然而,第二行在应该使用旧的 y 时已经使用了新的 y。因此,您必须将旧变量保存在某个地方才能使其工作。这同样适用于所有其他轮换。


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