java - 避免在 Eclipselink 中实例化 IndirectList

标签 java jpa eclipselink



@OneToMany(mappedBy = "parent", orphanRemoval = true, cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
private List<Child> children = new ArrayList<>();

child :

@ManyToOne(optional = false)
@JoinColumn(name = "PARENT_ID", nullable = false)
private Parent parent;

因为 parent 可以有大量的 child ,所以我想利用 Lazy Instantiation of Indirect Collections :

IndirectList and IndirectSet can be configured not to instantiate the list from the database when you add and remove from them. IndirectList defaults to this behavior. When Set to true, the collection associated with this TransparentIndirection will be setup so as not to instantiate for adds and removes. The weakness of this setting for an IndirectSet is that when the set is not instantiated, if a duplicate element is added, it will not be detected until commit time.

由于 OneToMany 的默认 FetchType 是 LAZY,并且我使用 List 作为我的 Collection,因此从数据库加载父级会导致 IndirectList 用于关系。一旦我向该父级添加另一个子级,我就可以看到执行该父级的子级的选择查询。

我该如何改变它? 我正在使用 Eclipselink 2.6.4 ( org.eclipse.persistence:eclipselink:2.6.4 )。

我还尝试使用 DescriptorCustomizer 来调用 org.eclipse.persistence.mappings.CollectionMapping.setUseLazyInstantiationForIndirectCollection(Boolean)对我的关系,但这似乎完全没有影响。

调试到方法 org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.IndirectList.add(E) 后,我能够看到方法调用 org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.IndirectList.shouldAvoidInstantiation()在第 206 行返回 false,因为 org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.IndirectList._persistence_getPropertyChangeListener()第 1007 行返回 null,并且 null 不是 AttributeChangeListener 的实例。因此,该关系随后由 org.eclipse.persistence.indirection.IndirectList.getDelegate() 实例化。在第 216 行。




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