Java - Bouncy CaSTLe 中的椭圆曲线场元素算术

标签 java cryptography bouncycastle elliptic-curve

我一直认为使用 ECFieldElement 对象而不是 BigIntegers 对指数执行算术运算更合适,但根据我的测试,这样做会产生不正确的结果。


class ArithmeticTest

  public void testMultDistributativity_BigInteger()
      ECPoint g = getG();

      for (int i=0; i<100; i++)
        BigInteger a, b, c;

        a = randomIntInField(false);
        b = randomIntInField(false);
        c = a.add(b);

        ECPoint gA = g.multiply(a);
        ECPoint gB = g.multiply(b);
        ECPoint gC = g.multiply(c);
        ECPoint sum = gA.add(gB);

        assertEquals(gC, sum);

  public void testMultDistributativity_ECFieldElement_SmallValues()
      assertTrue(checkMultDistributativity_ECFieldElement(BigInteger.ONE, BigInteger.TEN));

  public void testMultDistributativity_ECFieldElement_RandomValues()
      BigInteger a, b;
      int failureCount=0;

      for (int i=0; i<1000; i++)
        a = randomIntInField(false);
        b = randomIntInField(false);

        if (!checkMultDistributativity_ECFieldElement(a, b))

      assertTrue(failureCount==0, "Failed on " + Integer.toString(failureCount) + " out of 1000 runs.");

  private boolean checkMultDistributativity_ECFieldElement(BigInteger a, BigInteger b)
      ECFieldElement fA, fB, fC;
      ECPoint gA, gB, gC, sum;

      fA = getFieldElement(a);
      fB = getFieldElement(b);
      fC = fA.add(fB);

      gA = getG().multiply(a);
      gB = getG().multiply(b);
      gC = getG().multiply(fC.toBigInteger());
      sum = gA.add(gB);

      return gC.equals(sum);

testMultDistributativity_BigIntegertestMultDistributativity_ECFieldElement_SmallValues 成功,但 testMultDistributativity_ECFieldElement_RandomValues 在一半的测试用例中失败。

顺便说一句,1/2 是两个随机场元素加起来大于场序的数字的概率。我不明白这怎么会把事情搞砸。


  private curve;
  private bcCurve;
  private ECNamedCurveParameterSpec spec;
  private final BigInteger fieldOrder;
  private static final int FIELD_ELEMENT_BIT_SIZE = 256;

  static {
    Security.insertProviderAt(new BouncyCastleProvider(), 1);

  public ArithmeticTest()
    spec= ECNamedCurveTable.getParameterSpec("secp256r1");
    bcCurve = spec.getCurve();

    ECNamedCurveSpec conversionSpec = new ECNamedCurveSpec(spec.getName(), spec.getCurve(), spec.getG(), spec.getN());
    curve = conversionSpec.getCurve();

    fieldOrder = new BigInteger ("ffffffff00000001000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffff", 16);


  private ECPoint getG()
    return spec.getG();

  private ECFieldElement getFieldElement(BigInteger i)
    return bcCurve.fromBigInteger(i);

  private randomIntInField(boolean nonzero)
    final int ARGUMENT_IS_LARGER = -1;
    SecureRandom rand = new SecureRandom();
    BigInteger result;
    int watchDog = 1000;

    do {
        result = new BigInteger(FIELD_ELEMENT_BIT_SIZE, rand);

        if (--watchDog == 0)
            throw new RuntimeException("Damn what are the odds?");
    while ( nonzero && result.equals(BigInteger.ZERO) || result.compareTo(fieldOrder)!= ARGUMENT_IS_LARGER);

    return result;




I have been under the impression that it is more proper to perform arithmetic operations on exponents using ECFieldElement objects instead of BigIntegers, but according to my tests, doing so yields incorrect results.

不!指数(ECPoint.multiply 的标量参数)绝对不能使用 ECFieldElement 处理。标量应以组阶数为模相互添加,可通过 ECCurve.getOrder 获得。

因此,只要 fC 总和相对于场模量减少(如您所说,约为 50%),您的测试就会失败。

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