java - springTemplateEngine 中的转义引号

标签 java spring special-characters template-engine

我有一个使用 springTemplateEngine 生成非 html 文本的方法。 我的模板如下所示:

some text

但是当我运行模板引擎时,将 variable 设置为带引号的字符串:

string with "" quotes

引号被替换为 html 代码:

some text
string with "" quotes



some text
string with "" quotes


根据您的变量语法,我假设您正在使用 Themeleaf 作为模板引擎。

您可以使用[(${variable})]省略变量转义的语法。这是在 Themeleaf 3 中引入的。

请参阅 Themeleaf issue tracker 上的转义部分:


These [[...]] expressions, as they did in Thymeleaf 2.1, perform an escaping operation on output. So if we have a title variable with String value "this & that", this:

<p>Title: [[${title}]]</p>

will result in:

<p>Title: this &amp; that</p>

But what if we need unescaped output? We might have a comment variable with value This is a <strong>great</strong> song! that we know contains HTML (see those <strong> tags) that we want to output without being escaped...

In such case we can use an unescaped output expression, with syntax [(...)] (note the inner parentheses instead of brackets). So:

<p>Title: [[${title}]]</p>
<p>Description: [(${description})]</p>

...will result in:

<p>Title: this &amp; that</p>
<p>Description: This is a <strong>great</strong> song!</p>

We see therefore how the above is the exact equivalent to:

<p>Title: <th:block th:text="${title}"/></p>
<p>Description: <th:block th:utext="${description}"/></p>

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