java - 有没有办法使用 Spring Security 检查 PHP 创建的 bcrypt 哈希值?

标签 java php spring spring-security bcrypt


我正在处理使用更新的 bcrypt 算法的 PHP 系统(因为底层算法中存在一个已知的漏洞)。

所以 PHP 的 password_hash函数现在生成以 $2y$ 为前缀的哈希值,因为旧的哈希值(以 $2a 为前缀)很容易受到攻击。

Spring Security 的 BCrypt我在另一个 Java 系统中使用的生成原始 $2a$ 格式哈希值,因为它的底层实现(jBCrypt 而不是 C BCrypt as mentioned in this SO post )不容易受到相同的攻击。<​​/p >


在 Spring Security 中检查 PHP 生成的哈希值不起作用。有没有办法使用 Spring Security 检查 PHP 生成的哈希值?


php > $pwd = password_hash('foo', PASSWORD_BCRYPT, ['cost' => 12]);
php > echo $pwd;

然后使用 Java + Spring Security:

public void decryptsPhpHash() {
    boolean result = BCrypt.checkpw("foo", "$2y$12$TRc5ZjcmDJ8oFaoR1g7LD.RCxBTUZnGXB66EN9h9rKtNWg.hd7ExK");




据我所知,PHP只是将字符a改为y来区分它本身。只有 PHP 更改了此前缀。因此,也许只需将 y 改回 a 即可解决此问题。

In June 2011, a bug was discovered in crypt_blowfish, a PHP implementation of BCrypt. It was mis-handling characters with the 8th bit set. They suggested that system administrators update their existing password database, replacing $2a$ with $2x$, to indicate that those hashes are bad (and need to use the old broken algorithm). They also suggested the idea of having crypt_blowfish emit $2y$ for hashes generated by the fixed algorithm. Nobody else, including canonical OpenBSD, adopted the idea of 2x/2y. This version marker change was limited to crypt_blowfish.

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