PHP MySQL : How to determine if value already exists in database

标签 php mysql pdo parameterized-query


这是我现在的 PDO 查询:

/* First, we need to discover whether the Proposal No. entered already exists in the
database. If it doesn't, then a new record will be created. If                                                                            
it does, then an existing record will be updated. */
$pNoExists = $con->prepare("SELECT ProposalNo FROM ptfp1"); 
$row = $pNoExists->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

当我运行 $row = $pNoExists->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); 时通过 while 循环,该字段的所有值都存在。现在我只需要一些关于如何在按钮设置中使用它的指导。这就是我想做的:

if($_POST['ButtonPush'] && input doesn't exist) {
  Create new record;
else {
  Update existing record;




if($_POST['ButtonPush'] && array_search($all_values, $input_value)) {
    Create new
else {

但是,就像上面的评论一样,您可能只想在“SELECT”语句中添加一个 where 子句,这样您就不会每次都获取整个数据库表内容。而且,甚至可以将 SELECT 转换为 SELECT COUNT 以减少请求的数据量。

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