ios - "No such file or directory"创建目录时出错

标签 ios nsfilemanager


Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 4.)"
UserInfo=0x17ef9c90 {NSFilePath=/var/mobile/Applications/FD0CC480-97FE-4E50-931F-5341DB6AD92B/Documents/com.Jonathan.App-Name/707F0431-7A09-4D33-B122-13C48AD4CA53, 
NSUnderlyingError=0x17e51520 "The operation couldn’t be completed. No such file or directory"}

我很困惑。我知道该目录不存在,因为我正在尝试创建它!我唯一能想到的是文档目录不正确,但这直接来自 Apple Docs。


- (NSURL *)documentsDirectory
    NSFileManager *sharedFM = [NSFileManager defaultManager];

    NSArray *possibleURLs = [sharedFM URLsForDirectory:NSDocumentDirectory

    NSURL *appSupportDir = nil;
    NSURL *appDirectory = nil;

    if ([possibleURLs count] >= 1)
        // Use the first directory (if multiple are returned)
        appSupportDir = [possibleURLs objectAtIndex:0];

    // If a valid app support directory exists, add the
    // app's bundle ID to it to specify the final directory.
    if (appSupportDir)
        NSString *appBundleID = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier];

        appDirectory = [appSupportDir URLByAppendingPathComponent:appBundleID];

    return appDirectory;

- (NSURL *)thumbnailDirectoryWithName:(NSString *)theName
    NSURL *directory = [[self documentsDirectory] URLByAppendingPathComponent:theName];
    NSURL *thumbnailsDirectory = [directory URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"Thumbnails"];

    NSError *error;

    if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:[thumbnailsDirectory path]] == NO)
        [[NSFileManager defaultManager] createDirectoryAtURL:thumbnailsDirectory withIntermediateDirectories:NO attributes:nil error:&error];

        if (error)
            NSLog(@"[Thumbnail Directory] %@", [error description]);

            return nil;

    return thumbnailsDirectory;

我也试过 createDirectoryAtPath:stringByAppendingPathComponent: 但没有用。

thumbnailDirectoryWithName: 中的 NSURL *directory 返回:


文件路径的最后一个组成部分 707F0431-7A09-4D33-B122-13C48AD4CA53 是 Core Data 中实体的唯一标识符,它使我能够唯一地命名目录。



我接受了@danh 的回答,但我找到了出现此错误的原因。这是一个简单的错误,也是我疲倦时不应该编码的另一个原因,哈哈。我找不到 Apple 建议我们将应用程序包标识符作为子目录名称包含在内的原因,但要修复此错误,我所要做的就是设置 withIntermediateDirectories:YES


If YES, this method creates any non-existent parent directories as part of creating the directory in url. If NO, this method fails if any of the intermediate parent directories does not exist.


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