php - MySQL-PHP : Display Results In Table Rows (5 results per row)

标签 php mysql

我的数据库中有 10 张图像。我想在每个表格行显示 5 个图像。




我如何使用 MySQL 和 PHP 来做到这一点?


$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM gallery WHERE gallery_number='$gallery_number'");
while($fetch = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){

  $image_name = $fetch['image_name'];
  $image_location = $fetch['image_location'];

  echo '<table width="960">';
  echo '<tr>';
  echo '<td>'.'<img src="'.$image_location.'" alt="'.$image_name.'"/>'.'</td>'; 
  echo '</tr>';
  echo '</table>';  


示例;每个结果可能有超过 10 张图像。比如说,可能有 20 张图像,这意味着我需要 4 行...


    $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM gallery WHERE gallery_number='$gallery_number'");

    echo '<table width="960">';
    $i = 0; //first, i set a counter 
    while($fetch = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){
    //counter is zero then we are start new row  
        if ($i==0){
            echo '<tr>';
        //here we creating normal cells <td></td>
        $image_name = $fetch['image_name'];
        $image_location = $fetch['image_location'];
        echo '<td>'.'<img src="'.$image_location.'" alt="'.$image_name.'"/>'.'</td>';   
        //there is a magic - if our counter is greater then 5 we set counter to zero and close tr tag  
        if ($i>5){
            echo '</tr>';
        $i++; //$i = $i + 1 - counter + 1
    echo '</table>';  

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