c# - 将 DataGridView 值插入 MySql 数据库。 C#

标签 c# mysql visual-studio-2012 datagridview

我想从 dataGridView1 添加新值到 MySql 数据库。代码本身似乎是正确的,Visual Studio 2012 中没有错误,但我的数据库中没有插入数据。 这是我正在使用的代码:

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
   confirm exec = new confirm();      

public class confirm
   public void method(DataGridViewCellEventArgs f)
      DataGridView dataGridView1 = new DataGridView();
      Label label1 = new Label(); // contains User ID which is used for payer_code
      Label label6 = new Label(); // contains current dayTime

      foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridView1.Rows)
         if ((bool)dataGridView1.Rows[f.RowIndex].Cells["paidDataGridViewTextBoxColumn"].Value == true)
               string MyConnectionString = "Server=localhost; Database=contractsdb; Uid=root; Pwd=";
               MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection(MyConnectionString);
               MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand();
               cmd = connection.CreateCommand();
               cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO payments(pay_name, pay_code, payer_code, pay_sum, pay_date)VALUES(@pay_name, @pay_code, @payer_code, @pay_sum, @pay_date)";
               cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pay_name", dataGridView1.Rows[f.RowIndex].Cells["contractnameDataGridViewTextBoxColumn"].Value);
               cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pay_code", dataGridView1.Rows[f.RowIndex].Cells["contractcodeDataGridViewTextBoxColumn"].Value);
               cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@payer_code", label1.Text);
               cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pay_sum", dataGridView1.Rows[f.RowIndex].Cells["sumDataGridViewTextBoxColumn"].Value);
               cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@pay_date", label6.Text);

            catch (Exception ex)


我认为您对 OOP 有一些误解。这样做:


public void method(DataGridView datagridview1) //remove your first argument, you don't need it anymore
    //delete the line "DataGridView dataGridView1 = new DataGridView();"
    //and keep the rest of the code as it is
    foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dataGridView1.Rows)
        if(row.Cells["paidDataGridViewTextBoxColumn"].Value == true) //it will check every row, and you don't need "DataGridViewCellEventArgs" argument now
                //your code, it will be same here



private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    confirm exec = new confirm();      
    exec.method(datagridview1); //pass "datagridview1" reference

它将把原始 datagridview1 的引用传递给 confirm 类。

关于c# - 将 DataGridView 值插入 MySql 数据库。 C#,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20500469/


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