mysql - 枢轴查询不起作用

标签 mysql pivot

这是我一生中第一次尝试在数据库表上使用 PIVOT。 这是表格:

Answers (id_user, id_question, topic, value) VALUES
(1, 1, 'a', 3),
(1, 1, 'b', 3),
(1, 1, 'c', 2),

(1, 2, 'a', 1),
(1, 2, 'b', 2),
(1, 2, 'c', 3),


(1, 14, 'a', 1),
(1, 14, 'b', 2),
(1, 14, 'c', 1);


Answers (id_user, id_question, topic_A, topic_B, topic_C) VALUES
(1, 1, 3, 3, 2),
(1, 2, 1, 2, 3),
(1, 14, 1, 2, 1);

通过这个查询,我在 PIVOT 附近得到一个通用语法错误

(     SELECT id_user, id_question, topic, value
      FROM Answers
      WHERE id_user=98
) as risp
(     FOR id_question IN ([a],[b],[c])
)     AS pvt


在 MySQL 中使用聚合实现此目的的一种方法:

select id_user, id_question,
       max(case when topic = 'A' then value end) as topic_A,
       max(case when topic = 'B' then value end) as topic_B,
       max(case when topic = 'C' then value end) as topic_C
from Answers a
group by id_user, id_question;

顺便说一句,将其放回同一个表中是不合理的。查询应该足够了。您还可以将其放入 View 或另一个表中。



select uq.id_user, uq.id_question, aa.value as topic_A,
       ab.value as topic_B, ac.value as topic_C
from (select distinct id_user, id_question from answers) uq left outer join
     Answers aa
     on aa.id_user = uq.id_user and aa.id_question = uq.id_question and
        aa.topic = 'A' left outer join
     Answers ab
     on ab.id_user = uq.id_user and ab.id_question = uq.id_question and
        ab.topic = 'B' left outer join
     Answers aa
     on ac.id_user = uq.id_user and ac.id_question = uq.id_question and
        ac.topic = 'C';

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