php - 使用具有 PDO 绑定(bind)参数/值的表中的回退值

标签 php mysql pdo


public function readDiscountsForCampaign(CD\Campaign $oCampaign, $iPricelistId = 0) {
  // do stuff

因此,如果 $iPricelistId === 0 我希望 SQL 查询从 channel.default_pricelist_id 检索价目表。

使用 PDO 准备好的语句,您显然无法将表名称绑定(bind)到参数或值,因此实际上只有 2 个选项。


public function readDiscountsForCampaign(CD\Campaign $oCampaign, $iPricelistId = 0) {

  //ensure the pricelist id is an integer
  $iPricelistId = (int) $iPricelistId;

  //create the string to insert into the SQL query string
  $sPricelistInsert = $iPricelistId ? $iPricelistId : "channel.default_pricelist_id";

  //SQL query string
  $sQuery = "SELECT ... all the select stuff here "
          . "WHERE pricelist.pricelist_id = {$sPricelistInsert}"; // <-- which will be either the (int) or channel.default_pricelist_id

  // do other stuff, run the query and return


2:在 WHERE 条件上使用 SQL IF

public function readDiscountsForCampaign(CD\Campaign $oCampaign, $iPricelistId = 0) {

  //ensure the pricelist id is an integer
  $iPricelistId = (int) $iPricelistId;

  //SQL query string
  $sQuery = "SELECT ... all the select stuff here "
          . "WHERE pricelist.pricelist_id = IF(:pricelist_id > 0, :pricelist_id, channel.default_pricelist_id)";

  //bind ':pricelist_id' to $iPricelistId for the prepared statement
  $aBoundValues = array(':pricelist_id' => $iPricelistId);

  // then do other stuff, run the query and return


---- 编辑:更新为包括 Tadman 的第三个选项 ----

3:按顺序构建查询并根据需要绑定(bind) Pricelist_id(一般来说,这比选项 1 更好,因为不需要值插值)

public function readDiscountsForCampaign(CD\Campaign $oCampaign, $iPricelistId = 0) {

  //create an array of bound parameters/values
  $aBoundValues = array();

  //ensure the pricelist id is an integer
  $iPricelistId = (int) $iPricelistId;

  //SQL query string
  $sQuery = "SELECT ... all the select stuff here "
          . "WHERE pricelist.pricelist_id = ";

  //if we have a pricelist id ...
  if($iPricelistId) {
    $sQuery .= ":pricelist_id";
    $aBoundValues[':pricelist_id'] = $iPricelistId;

  // ... if not, fallback to the default from `channel`.`default_pricelist_id`
  else {
    $sQuery .= "channel.default_pricelist_id";

  // do other stuff, run the query and return


---- 编辑结束 ----





$sQuery = "SELECT ... WHERE pricelist.pricelist_id=";
$bind = array();

if (...) {
  $sQuery .= ":pricelist_id";
  $bind[':pricelist_id'] = $pricelist_id;
} else {
  $sQuery .= "channel.default_pricelist_id";

然后您可以使用 $bind 数组作为值来执行。

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