ios - 如何将 Flurry 分析集成到 iOS 应用程序中

标签 ios flurry

我已将 Flurry.hlibFlurry.a 从 Flurry 4.1 SDK 添加到我的项目中。在我的应用委托(delegate)中,我在 didFinishLaunchingWithOptions 中有以下内容。

[Flurry startSession:@"[apikey]"];

我还在代码库中添加了 [Flurry logEvent:@"callAPIPath"]; 以便在典型 session 中它会被调用 5 或 6 次。但是,我在 Flurry 仪表板上看不到任何数据。我正在 iOS 模拟器中进行测试并单击主页按钮退出应用程序,因为这是在 中建议的。 .我已经给它超过 24 小时的处理时间,但仍然没有数据。


2013-01-29 16:04:04.579 TumTiki[7578:c07] Flurry: startSession called for the first time
2013-01-29 16:04:04.580 TumTiki[7578:c07] Flurry: Start session called with apiKey[APIKEY]
2013-01-29 16:04:04.580 TumTiki[7578:c07] Flurry: Trim white space and use apiKey[APIKEY]
2013-01-29 16:04:04.581 TumTiki[7578:c07] initial network status [1] ========= 
2013-01-29 16:04:04.583 TumTiki[7578:c07] FlurrySession: Add session with startTime[2013-01-29 23:04:37 +0000] to saved sessions
2013-01-29 16:04:04.587 TumTiki[7578:c07] FlurrySession: Add crashed former session
2013-01-29 16:04:04.589 TumTiki[7578:c07] FlurrySession: Initialized session from scratch with startTime[2013-01-30 00:04:04 +0000]
2013-01-29 16:04:04.590 TumTiki[7578:c07] FlurrySession: Created active session with API[APIKEY]
2013-01-29 16:04:04.590 TumTiki[7578:c07] FlurrySession: Session reports on close enabled[1]
2013-01-29 16:04:04.590 TumTiki[7578:c07] FlurrySession: Session reports on pause enabled[1]
2013-01-29 16:04:04.591 TumTiki[7578:c07] FlurrySession: Event logging enabled[1]
2013-01-29 16:04:04.591 TumTiki[7578:c07] FlurrySession: Sending sessions to server withTimeout[0]
2013-01-29 16:04:04.593 TumTiki[7578:c07] FlurrySession: Initial timestamp[2013-01-29 18:12:18 +0000] from saved source
2013-01-29 16:04:04.594 TumTiki[7578:c07] Flurry: Finish starting session with apiKey[APIKEY]
2013-01-29 16:04:04.603 TumTiki[7578:c07] FlurrySession: Recording event eventName[callAPIPath] with parameters[(null)]
2013-01-29 16:04:04.603 TumTiki[7578:c07] FlurrySession: Event count for eventName[callAPIPath] updated to count[1]
2013-01-29 16:04:04.603 TumTiki[7578:c07] FlurrySession: Event log for eventName[callAPIPath] updated
2013-01-29 16:04:04.604 TumTiki[7578:c07] FlurrySession: Recording event eventName[callAPIPath] with parameters[(null)] complete
2013-01-29 16:04:04.660 TumTiki[7578:c07] FlurrySession: dealloc session
2013-01-29 16:04:04.687 TumTiki[7578:c07] updated network status [1] ======== 
2013-01-29 16:04:04.786 TumTiki[7578:c07] Flurry: HTTP connection delegate received response[<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0xa4b82e0>]
2013-01-29 16:04:04.787 TumTiki[7578:c07] FlurrySession: async http response code: 200
2013-01-29 16:04:04.788 TumTiki[7578:c07] FlurrySession: application sent session[1]
2013-01-29 16:04:04.788 TumTiki[7578:c07] FlurrySession: Sent 1 session(s).


2013-01-29 16:07:08.166 TumTiki[7578:c07] FlurrySession: Pause session with pauseTime[2013-01-30 00:07:08 +0000]
2013-01-29 16:07:08.166 TumTiki[7578:c07] FlurrySession: Ending session with endTime[2013-01-30 00:07:08 +0000]
2013-01-29 16:07:08.167 TumTiki[7578:c07] FlurrySession: ending all unterminated timed events with _endTime[2013-01-30 00:07:08 +0000]...
2013-01-29 16:07:08.167 TumTiki[7578:c07] FlurrySession: ...finished ending un-ended timed events.
2013-01-29 16:07:08.168 TumTiki[7578:c07] FlurrySession: Ending session with endTime[2013-01-30 00:07:08 +0000] complete
2013-01-29 16:07:08.168 TumTiki[7578:c07] Flurry: start background task
2013-01-29 16:07:08.169 TumTiki[7578:c07] FlurrySession: Sending sessions to server withTimeout[1]
2013-01-29 16:07:08.171 TumTiki[7578:c07] FlurrySession: Initial timestamp[2013-01-29 18:12:18 +0000] from saved source
2013-01-29 16:07:08.387 TumTiki[7578:c07] Flurry: HTTP connection delegate received response[<NSHTTPURLResponse: 0x1127cf30>]
2013-01-29 16:07:08.389 TumTiki[7578:c07] FlurrySession: async http response code: 200
2013-01-29 16:07:08.390 TumTiki[7578:c07] Flurry: stop background task

我使用的是 Flurry 提供的 API key ,它是一个 20 个字符的字符串。我应该改用其他应用程序 key 吗?我在这里做错了什么,但还没弄明白。


原来我用错了 key 。我需要特定于应用程序的 key ,可以在应用程序仪表板上的“管理”菜单项中找到它。

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