ios - 在 Sprite Kit 中的场景之间导航?

标签 ios sprite-kit skscene

假设我从一个场景 initialScene 开始。这个场景包含几个按钮。当用户点击这个场景中的按钮 A 时,我将呈现 sceneA。所以我的代码看起来像这样:

sceneA* scene = [[sceneA alloc] init];
[self.scene.view presentScene: scene];

我的第一个问题是,当 initialScene 中出现 sceneA 实例时,它是堆叠在 initialScene 实例之上还是它取代了吗?当呈现新场景时,initialScene 的实例是否在内存中被释放?

我问这个是因为 sceneA 将有一个后退按钮,当点击该按钮时,用户将返回到初始场景。我能否在 sceneA 中创建一个新的 initialScene 实例并呈现它,或者这会导致相同场景的多个实例堆叠在一起吗?基本上,我可以只在 sceneA 中执行此操作吗?

if(...) {   //if user taps back button
    initialScene* iniScene = [[initialScene alloc] init];
    [self.scene.view presentScene: iniScene];



Sprite Kit makes it easy to transition between scenes. You can either keep scenes around persistently, or dispose of them when you transition between them. In this example, you create a second scene class to learn some other game behaviors. When the “Hello, World!” text disappears from the screen, the code creates a new scene and transitions to it. The Hello scene is discarded after the transition.

Sprite Kit 编程指南

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