php - 使用php和mysql记录curl GET请求的结果

标签 php mysql curl

我试图了解如何使用 php 记录curl GET 请求的结果。我正在考虑将部分或全部结果输出到 mysql。

function invoke_curl($method, $endpoint, $headers, $json) {
$api_server = '';
try {
    // get a curl handle then go to town on it
    $ch = curl_init($api_server . $endpoint);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

    $result = curl_exec($ch);
    if ($result == FALSE) {
        if (curl_errno($ch) == 0)
            echo "@@@@ NOTE @@@@: nil HTTP return: This API call appears to be broken" . "\n";
            throw new Exception(curl_error($ch), curl_errno($ch));    
      echo "RESULT: \n" . $result . "\n";


    "clients": {
        "ssid2": 4,
        "ssid1": 10
    "rows": [
            "time": "2016-03-23T02:45:00Z",
            "ssid2": {
                "traffic": {
                    "unclassified": {
//  etc...

如何将结果的每个部分与变量关联起来,以便我可以输入 mysql?


看起来这个结果是 json 格式的。您可以使用json_decode解码它:

$resultObject = json_decode($result);
$clients = $resultObject->clients;
// ... get other data from result

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