php - 如何使用表格中的按钮删除特定行的数据?

标签 php mysql oop


public function displayMyBooking() { //Added function

    $userid = $this->data()->id; //gets id of user currently logged in
    $query = DB::getInstance()->query("SELECT bookingdate, roomid, period FROM booking WHERE id = {$userid}"); //queries database for all bookings made with the id of the current user
    $amount = $query->count(); //returns amount of results

    //create table
    $bookingtable = "<table style='width:100%' class='table'>";
    $bookingtable .= "<tr>";
    $bookingtable .= "<th>Room ID</th>";
    $bookingtable .= "<th>Period</th>";
    $bookingtable .= "<th>Booking Date</th>";
    $bookingtable .= " </tr>";

for($x=0; $x<$amount; $x++) { //loop through and output data into table according to amount of results returned
    $bookingtable .= "<tr>";
    $bookingtable .= "<td>" . $query->results()[$x]->roomid. "</td>";
    $bookingtable .= "<td>" . $query->results()[$x]->period. "</td>";
    $bookingtable .= "<td>" . $query->results()[$x]->bookingdate. "</td>";
    $bookingtable .= "<td><input type='submit' name='delete' value='Delete'></td>";
    $bookingtable .= "</tr>";
    $bookingtable .= "";
return $bookingtable;       


            $table = $user->displayMyBooking();
            echo $table;

每次预订(我正在开发一个房间预订系统)都有一个唯一的复合主键,我用预订日期、预订期间、用户 ID 等创建了该主键。我如何使用表中包含的删除按钮来删除该特定的行?


我没有看到任何<form>用于 displayMyBooking()方法,因此没有必要在那里使用单独的提交输入元素。相反,只需更改此语句

$bookingtable .= "<td><input type='submit' name='delete' value='Delete'></td>";


$bookingtable .= "<td><a href='delete.php?roomid=" . $query->results()[$x]->roomid . "'>Delete</a></td>";

稍后,在 delete.php 页面上,您可以使用 $_GET 访问特定行/roomid超全局,像这样:

if(isset($_GET['roomid']) && (!empty($_GET['roomid']) || $_GET['roomid'] == 0)){
    $roomid = $_GET['roomid'];

    // perform delete operation

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