php - 从两个表中获取记录并转换为json

标签 php mysql json

嗨,我是 PHP 新手,尝试使用 php sql 获取以下响应,但我无法找到这样的期望输出

[{"Id":1, "name": "India", "Cities":[{"Id":1, "Name":"Mumbai", "country_id":1}, {"Id":2,"Name":"Delhi","country_id":1},
"id":3,"Name":Banglore","country_id":1}, {"Id":2, "Name":"USA", "Cities":[{"Id":6, "Name":"New York", "country_id":2},.....


I tried


    $sql = "SELECT * FROM country";
    $sqlCity = "SELECT * FROM city";

    $cityQuery = mysqli_query($conn, $sqlCity);
    $sqlQuery = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);

    $mainArray = array();

    if(mysqli_num_rows($cityQuery) > 0 ){
        $cityResponse = array();
        while($resCity = mysqli_fetch_assoc($cityQuery)){
            $cityResponse[] = $resCity;

    if(mysqli_num_rows($sqlQuery) > 0 ){
        $response = array();
        while($res = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlQuery)){
            $response[] = $res;
        foreach($cityResponse as $city){
            foreach($response as $country){
                if($city['country_id'] == $country['id']){

                    $mainArray = array("Cities" => $city);
        echo '{"response": '.json_encode($response).', '.json_encode($mainArray).' "success": true}';
        echo '{"response": '.json_encode($response).' "success": false}';



{"response": [{"id":"1","name":"India"},{"id":"2","name":"USA"},{"id":"3","name":"UK"}], {"Cities":{"id":"15","name":"Manchester","country_id":"3"}} "success": true}



  • 使用相关列名称修改 SQL 查询
  • 你必须照顾的内存。默认情况下,5.3 中 php 内存限制为 128MB
  • 检查代码并告诉我结果

    $data = array();
    //include your database configuration files
    //execute the join query to fetch the result
    $sql = "SELECT country.country_id, AS country_name,".
    " city.city_id, AS city_name FROM country ".
    " JOIN city ON city.country_id=country.country_id ".
    " ORDER BY country.country_id ";
    //execute query
    $sqlQuery = mysqli_query($conn, $sql) or die('error exists on select query');
    //check the number of rows count
    if(mysqli_num_rows($sqlQuery) > 0 ){
    //country id temprory array
    $country_id = array();
    //loop each result
    while($result = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sqlQuery)){
        //check the country id is already exist the only push the city entries
        if(!in_array($result['country_id'],$country_id)) {
            //if the city is for new country then add it to the main container
            if(isset($entry) && !empty($entry)) {
                array_push($data, $entry);
            //create entry array
            $entry = array();   
            $entry['Id'] = $result['country_id'];
            $entry['name'] = $result['country_name'];
            $entry['Cities'] = array();
            //create cities array
            $city = array();
            $city['Id'] = $result['city_id'];
            $city['name'] = $result['city_name'];
            $city['country_id'] = $result['country_id'];
            //append city entry
            array_push($entry['Cities'], $city);
            $country_id[] = $result['country_id'];
        else {
            //create and append city entry only
            $city = array();
            $city['Id'] = $result['city_id'];
            $city['name'] = $result['city_name'];
            $city['country_id'] = $result['country_id'];
            array_push($entry['Cities'], $city);
        //display and check the expected results
                echo json_encode($data);

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