ios - SKNode : Converting Coordinates from UIView to SKNode 上的 UITapGestureRecognizer

标签 ios objective-c sprite-kit uitapgesturerecognizer

我在带有 SKSceneUIView 上有一个 UITapGestureRecognizer 和一个 UIPanGestureRecognizer。平移手势识别器从左到右移动一个 SKNode,我希望 Tap 手势识别器检测平移的 SKNode 的子节点。平移工作正常,但我在检测点击时遇到问题 - Tap Gesture 触发了相关方法,但我不确定如何将坐标从 View 转换为场景到节点以检测点击是否在其中之一子节点。

UIView(带手势)→ SKScene → 平移节点 → 平移节点的子节点

如何检查点击手势的触摸坐标是否是任何给定的 SKNode?

if (sender.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded)
    // handling code
    CGPoint touchLocation = [sender locationOfTouch:0 inView:sender.view];
    NSLog(@"TAP %@", NSStringFromCGPoint(touchLocation)
    for (SKLabelNode *node in _containerNode.children) {

        if ([node containsPoint:[node convertPoint:touchLocation fromNode:self.parent]]) {
            //This is where I want the tap to be detected.

        CGPoint checkPoint = [node convertPoint:touchLocation fromNode:self.scene];
        NSLog(@"CheckPoint %@", NSStringFromCGPoint(checkPoint)
        //NSLog(@"iterating nodes");
        if ([node containsPoint:checkPoint]) {
            NSLog(@"touch match %@", node);



最后,我需要根据建议执行更多步骤 - 从 SKView → SKScene 转换为包含我进行 HitTest 的节点的 SKNode。

    CGPoint touchLocation           = [sender locationOfTouch:0 inView:sender.view];
    CGPoint touchLocationInScene    = [[self.scene view] convertPoint:touchLocation toScene:self.scene];
    CGPoint touchLocationInNode     = [self.scene convertPoint:touchLocationInScene toNode:_containerNode];

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