php - 我对使用 PHP 很陌生。我想创建一个评论框

标签 php mysql sql html wampserver

我对使用 PHP 很陌生。我想为用户创建一个评论框。 1.如何将评论保存到数据库中 2.如何查看是否有帖子 3. 如何显示当前页面的所有帖子。
我正在使用 Wampsever/MySQL Workbench。我可以帮忙吗?谢谢!


        if (isset($_POST['submit']))
            //Take  Comment
            $comment_id = $_POST["comment"];

            if ($message == "" )
                $query = "INSERT INTO comment (";
                $query .= "comment";
                $query .= ") VALUES (";
                $query .= " '{$comment}'";
                $query .= ")";

            //connect  &select 
            $mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "user_id");

            $result = $mysqli->query("INSERT INTO Comment () VALUES();") 



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<p style="color:white";>Lion cub and future king Simba searches for his identity. His eagerness to please others and penchant for testing his boundaries sometimes gets him into trouble.</p></br>


 <button type="submit"><a href= "">WATCH TRAILER!</a></button>
 <button type="submit"><a href= "">WATCH MOVIE</a></button>




<textarea rows="4" cols="50" name="comment" form="usrform">
Enter comment here...</textarea>

<form action=" " method="post" id="com">
  <input type ="submit" name="submit" value="submit" class="texty" >



在 PHP 中使用数据库连接时,请确保执行以下操作

//connect  &select 
$mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "my_user", "my_password", "world");

$result = $mysqli->query("INSERT INTO tbl_name () VALUES();") // Add the update comment here


连接 选择 询问 关闭


关于php - 我对使用 PHP 很陌生。我想创建一个评论框,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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