mysql - Laravel DB 查询组按输出不同

标签 mysql laravel-5 group-by

我在 Laravel 项目中实现了以下查询,如果我在控制台中复制粘贴,则该查询正在工作,但数据库对象在子查询 group by zeit_von 上设置为 group by zeit_von为空

$data = DB::table('e_supply AS s')
                    DB::raw('count(s.employee) as anzahl_employee'),
                    DB::raw('group_concat(a.account_lastname order by a.account_lastname ) AS employee_names'),
                    DB::raw('date_format(s.zeit_von, "%Y") as y'),
                    DB::raw('date_format(s.zeit_von, "%m") as m'),
                    DB::raw('date_format(s.zeit_von, "%d") as d'),
                    DB::raw('date_format(s.zeit_von, "%h") as h')
            ->leftJoin('phpgw_accounts AS a', 'a.account_id', '=', 's.employee')
            ->where('deleted', 0)
            ->whereIn('supply_status', [1,3])
                DB::raw('( select count(cal_id) from phpgw_cal_utf8  as c
                        where c.owner=s.employee
                        and deleted=0
                        and date_format(s.zeit_von, "%d.%m.%y")=date_format(from_unixtime(c.mdatetime), "%d.%m.%y")
                        and c.category="Krank"
                    )<1 and date_format((s.zeit_von), "%Y")="'.$year.'" group by zeit_von'



使用 whereRaw 进行子查询抑制了我遇到的问题

$data = DB::table('e_supply AS s')
                'zeit_von as raw_time',
                DB::raw('count(distinct s.employee) as anzahl_employee'),
                DB::raw('group_concat(a.account_lastname order by a.account_lastname ) AS employee_names'),
                DB::raw('date_format(s.zeit_von, "%Y") as y'), DB::raw('date_format(s.zeit_von, "%m") as m'),
                DB::raw('date_format(s.zeit_von, "%d") as d'), DB::raw('date_format(s.zeit_von, "%h") as h')
            ->leftJoin('phpgw_accounts AS a', 'a.account_id', '=', 's.employee')
            ->where('deleted', 0)
            ->whereIn('supply_status', [1, 3])
                DB::raw('( select count(cal_id) from phpgw_cal_utf8  as c
                        where c.owner=s.employee
                        and deleted=0
                        and date_format(s.zeit_von, "%d.%m.%y")=date_format(from_unixtime(c.mdatetime), "%d.%m.%y")
                        and c.category="Krank"
            ->whereYear('s.zeit_von', $year)

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