ios - iOS 上 OfficeJS Outlook 加载项的侧载问题

标签 ios office-js outlook-web-addins

更新 #2:

我创建了 OfficeDev/office-js#124OfficeDev/office-js-docs#1415以便 Microsoft 的某人 响应此问题。事实证明,无论是在线还是在 Outlook for iOS 应用程序中使用 Microsoft 支持都没有结果。

更新 #1:

看来,将 list 基本级别的要求集从 Mailbox 1.5 降级到 Mailbox 1.4 会使我的旁加载加载项出现在我的 iOS 上设备。 <强> This looks like a bug!

但是,这样做会扩大支持平台的列表以包括 Office 2013。Based on the answer to another of my questions ,这意味着我需要在 VersionOverridesV1_0 级别设置 Mailbox 1.4

我仍将 Mailbox 1.5 设置为 VersionOverridesV1_1 级别,以便支持调用 Outlook REST API 和支持固定任务 Pane 。

我的加载项(使用 Mailbox 1.5 中添加的 API)能否在 Outlook 2013 上正常运行?

(具体来说,我正在使用新的 Office.context.mailbox.getCallbackTokenAsync() 方法来获取 REST token 。)

我正在尝试让我的加载项出现在我的 iOS 设备上,以便我可以对其进行测试。该设备是安装了 iOS 11.0.3 的 iPhone 6s。


  • Outlook 2016 或更高版本
  • 网页版 Outlook
  • Mac 版 Outlook 2016
  • iOS 版 Outlook

我需要 Mailbox 1.5 才能支持 calling the Outlook REST APIs并支持pinnable taskpanes .

这是我的 list :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  xmlns:mailappor="" xsi:type="MailApp">
  <ProviderName>TitleX E-Conveyancing Pty Ltd</ProviderName>
  <DisplayName DefaultValue="[TEST] TitleX" />
  <Description DefaultValue="Save your mail to TitleX."/>
  <IconUrl DefaultValue="" />
  <HighResolutionIconUrl DefaultValue="" />
  <SupportUrl DefaultValue="" />
    <!--LEAP Add-in Domains -->
    <!--TitleX Add-in Domains -->
    <!-- LEAP Auth -->
    <!-- TitleX Auth -->
    <Host Name="Mailbox" />
    <Sets DefaultMinVersion="1.5">
      <Set Name="Mailbox" />
    <Form xsi:type="ItemRead">
        <SourceLocation DefaultValue=""/>
  <Rule xsi:type="RuleCollection" Mode="Or">
    <Rule xsi:type="ItemIs" ItemType="Message" FormType="Read" /></Rule>
    xmlns="" xsi:type="VersionOverridesV1_0">
      <bt:Sets DefaultMinVersion="1.5">
        <bt:Set Name="Mailbox" />
      <Host xsi:type="MailHost">
          <FunctionFile resid="TitleX.Functions.Url" />
          <!-- Message Read -->
          <ExtensionPoint xsi:type="MessageReadCommandSurface">
            <OfficeTab id="TabDefault">
              <Group id="TitleX.Group1">
                <Label resid="TitleX.Group1Label" />
                <Control xsi:type="Button" id="TitleX.DefaultCommand">
                  <Label resid="TitleX.DefaultCommand.Label" />
                    <Title resid="TitleX.DefaultCommand.Label" />
                    <Description resid="TitleX.DefaultCommand.Tooltip" />
                    <bt:Image size="16" resid="TitleX.Icon.16" />
                    <bt:Image size="32" resid="TitleX.Icon.32" />
                    <bt:Image size="80" resid="TitleX.Icon.80" />
                    <bt:Image size="20" resid="TitleX.Icon.20" />
                    <bt:Image size="24" resid="TitleX.Icon.24" />
                    <bt:Image size="40" resid="TitleX.Icon.40" />
                    <bt:Image size="48" resid="TitleX.Icon.48" />
                    <bt:Image size="64" resid="TitleX.Icon.64" />
                  <Action xsi:type="ShowTaskpane">
                    <SourceLocation resid="TitleX.Taskpane.Url" />
              <!--<Label resid="Leap.TabLabel"/>-->
          <!-- Go to to learn how to add more Extension Points: MessageRead, AppointmentOrganizer, AppointmentAttendee -->
        <bt:Image id="TitleX.Icon.16" DefaultValue=""/>
        <bt:Image id="TitleX.Icon.32" DefaultValue=""/>
        <bt:Image id="TitleX.Icon.80" DefaultValue=""/>
        <bt:Image id="TitleX.Icon.20" DefaultValue="" />
        <bt:Image id="TitleX.Icon.24" DefaultValue="" />
        <bt:Image id="TitleX.Icon.25" DefaultValue="" />
        <bt:Image id="TitleX.Icon.40" DefaultValue="" />
        <bt:Image id="TitleX.Icon.48" DefaultValue="" />
        <bt:Image id="TitleX.Icon.64" DefaultValue="" />
        <bt:Url id="TitleX.Taskpane.Url" DefaultValue="" />
        <bt:Url id="TitleX.Functions.Url" DefaultValue="" />
        <bt:String id="TitleX.TabLabel" DefaultValue="[TEST] TitleX" />
        <bt:String id="TitleX.Group1Label" DefaultValue="TitleX" />
        <bt:String id="TitleX.DefaultCommand.Label" DefaultValue="[TEST] TitleX Mail Manager" />
        <bt:String id="TitleX.DefaultCommand.Title" DefaultValue="[TEST] TitleX" />
        <bt:String id="TitleX.DefaultCommand.Tooltip" DefaultValue="Click to show the add-in." />
        <bt:String id="TitleX.Description" DefaultValue="Save your mail to TitleX." />
      xmlns="" xsi:type="VersionOverridesV1_1">
        <bt:Sets DefaultMinVersion="1.5">
          <bt:Set Name="Mailbox" />
        <Host xsi:type="MailHost">
            <FunctionFile resid="TitleX.Functions.Url" />
            <!-- Message Read -->
            <ExtensionPoint xsi:type="MessageReadCommandSurface">
              <OfficeTab id="TabDefault">
                <Group id="TitleX.Group1">
                  <Label resid="TitleX.Group1Label" />
                  <Control xsi:type="Button" id="TitleX.DefaultCommand">
                    <Label resid="TitleX.DefaultCommand.Label" />
                      <Title resid="TitleX.DefaultCommand.Label" />
                      <Description resid="TitleX.DefaultCommand.Tooltip" />
                      <bt:Image size="16" resid="TitleX.Icon.16" />
                      <bt:Image size="32" resid="TitleX.Icon.32" />
                      <bt:Image size="80" resid="TitleX.Icon.80" />
                      <bt:Image size="20" resid="TitleX.Icon.20" />
                      <bt:Image size="24" resid="TitleX.Icon.24" />
                      <bt:Image size="40" resid="TitleX.Icon.40" />
                      <bt:Image size="48" resid="TitleX.Icon.48" />
                      <bt:Image size="64" resid="TitleX.Icon.64" />
                    <Action xsi:type="ShowTaskpane">
                      <SourceLocation resid="TitleX.Taskpane.Url" />
                  <!-- Go to to learn how to add more Controls: ExecuteFunction and Menu -->
            <!-- Go to to learn how to add more Extension Points: MessageRead, AppointmentOrganizer, AppointmentAttendee -->
          <!-- See -->
            <FunctionFile resid="TitleX.Functions.Url" />
            <ExtensionPoint xsi:type="MobileMessageReadCommandSurface">
              <Group id="TitleX.Group1">
                <Label resid="TitleX.Group1Label" />
                <Control xsi:type="MobileButton" id="TitleX.DefaultCommand">
                  <Label resid="TitleX.DefaultCommand.Label" />
                  <Icon xsi:type="bt:MobileIconList">
                    <bt:Image size="25" scale="1" resid="TitleX.Icon.25" />
                    <bt:Image size="25" scale="2" resid="TitleX.Icon.25" />
                    <bt:Image size="25" scale="3" resid="TitleX.Icon.25" />
                    <bt:Image size="32" scale="1" resid="TitleX.Icon.32" />
                    <bt:Image size="32" scale="2" resid="TitleX.Icon.32" />
                    <bt:Image size="32" scale="3" resid="TitleX.Icon.32" />
                    <bt:Image size="48" scale="1" resid="TitleX.Icon.48" />
                    <bt:Image size="48" scale="2" resid="TitleX.Icon.48" />
                    <bt:Image size="48" scale="3" resid="TitleX.Icon.48" />
                  <Action xsi:type="ShowTaskpane">
                    <SourceLocation resid="TitleX.Taskpane.Url" />
          <bt:Image id="TitleX.Icon.16" DefaultValue=""/>
          <bt:Image id="TitleX.Icon.32" DefaultValue=""/>
          <bt:Image id="TitleX.Icon.80" DefaultValue=""/>
          <bt:Image id="TitleX.Icon.20" DefaultValue="" />
          <bt:Image id="TitleX.Icon.24" DefaultValue="" />
          <bt:Image id="TitleX.Icon.25" DefaultValue="" />
          <bt:Image id="TitleX.Icon.40" DefaultValue="" />
          <bt:Image id="TitleX.Icon.48" DefaultValue="" />
          <bt:Image id="TitleX.Icon.64" DefaultValue="" />
          <bt:Url id="TitleX.Taskpane.Url" DefaultValue="" />
          <bt:Url id="TitleX.Functions.Url" DefaultValue="" />
          <bt:String id="TitleX.TabLabel" DefaultValue="[TEST] TitleX" />
          <bt:String id="TitleX.Group1Label" DefaultValue="TitleX" />
          <bt:String id="TitleX.DefaultCommand.Label" DefaultValue="[TEST] TitleX Mail Manager" />
          <bt:String id="TitleX.DefaultCommand.Title" DefaultValue="[TEST] TitleX" />
          <bt:String id="TitleX.DefaultCommand.Tooltip" DefaultValue="Click to show the add-in." />
          <bt:String id="TitleX.Description" DefaultValue="Save your mail to TitleX." />

这是 validate-office-addin上述加载项 list 的结果:

Calling validation service. This might take a moment...
Validation: Passed
Based on the requirements specified in your manifest, your add-in can run on the following platforms; your add-in will be tested on these platforms when you submit it to the Office Store:
  - Outlook 2016 or later
  - Outlook 2016 for Mac
  - Outlook for iOS
  - Outlook on the Web
Important: This analysis is based on the requirements specified in your manifest and does not account for any runtime JavaScript calls within your add-in. For information about which API sets and features are supported on each platform, see Office Add-in host and platfo
rm availability. (

*This does not include mobile apps. You can opt-in to support mobile apps when you submit your add-in.

查看 Office Add-in host and platform availability for Outlook 的文档,我看到我想要定位的所有平台都支持 Mailbox 1.5。

所以,一切看起来都对齐了,但我的加载项不会出现在我的 iOS 设备上!

但是,如果我将要求集从 1.5 降级到 1.4,然后再次旁加载,就会出现加载项。显然,这与我的预期相反。

问题:为什么在我的 list 上指定 Mailbox 1.5 要求集使得我的旁加载加载项不会出现在我的 iOS 设备上?请帮忙。


截至 2018 年 6 月 26 日,Outlook for iOS 2.82.0 现在可以正确地旁加载我的加载项以进行测试。

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