ios - 排序 Mapbox 注释

标签 ios objective-c sorting mapbox

我目前正在寻找使用 mapbox 对所有注释进行排序。


//implementing this method and do the sort here   
(NSComparator)annotationSortingComparatorForMapView:(RMMapView *)mapView

// remove current annotation and use the sorted array to redraw them
[mapView removeAnnotations:[mapView annotations]];
[mapView addAnnotations:annotationSorted];


我实际上是在使用 mapView:layerForAnnotation: 来返回应该绘制的形状,但如果我没记错的话,它是一个回调,所以并没有真正从代码中调用。



感谢 jszumski,我想出了一个实现。对于那些将来需要它的人来说,它是:

- (NSComparator)annotationSortingComparatorForMapView:(RMMapView *)RmapView
    NSComparator sort =^(RMAnnotation *annotation1, RMAnnotation *annotation2)
        // Sort user location annotations above all.
        if (   annotation1.isUserLocationAnnotation && ! annotation2.isUserLocationAnnotation)
            return NSOrderedDescending;

        if ( ! annotation1.isUserLocationAnnotation &&   annotation2.isUserLocationAnnotation)
            return NSOrderedAscending;

        // Amongst user location annotations, sort properly.
        if (annotation1.isUserLocationAnnotation && annotation2.isUserLocationAnnotation)
            // User dot on top.
            if ([annotation1 isKindOfClass:[RMUserLocation class]])
                return NSOrderedDescending;

            if ([annotation2 isKindOfClass:[RMUserLocation class]])
                return NSOrderedAscending;

            // Halo above accuracy circle.
            if ([annotation1.annotationType isEqualToString:kRMTrackingHaloAnnotationTypeName])
                return NSOrderedDescending;

            if ([annotation2.annotationType isEqualToString:kRMTrackingHaloAnnotationTypeName])
                return NSOrderedAscending;

        return NSOrderedSame;
    return sort;



来自 the documentation :

The block will be called repeatedly during map change events to ensure annotation layers stay sorted in the desired order.

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