php - 检查多个查询中的特定查询是否受到影响

标签 php mysql sql sql-update rows-affected



    $updateq = $conn->query("UPDATE `tbl1` SET `field1`= '$field1'");

    $updater = $conn->query("UPDATE `tbl2` SET field2 ='$field2'");

    //Here I want to check if first update query
    //is affected any row or not
    if(mysqli_affected_rows($conn) > 0){




在 mysql

  • ROW_COUNT() returns the number of rows changed, deleted, or inserted by the last statement if it was an UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT. For other statements, the value may not be meaningful.


UPDATE `tbl1` SET `field1`= '$field1'
SET @countRow =  ROW_COUNT();
if (@countRow>0) then
UPDATE `tbl2` SET field2 ='$field2'
end if;

你必须将其集成到 php 中,因为它纯粹是 mysql 语法

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