mysql - JPA -表列引用作为两个不同表的外键

标签 mysql jpa foreign-keys one-to-many many-to-one


我目前的情况:我正在使用 JPA 2.1,在一个表中我有一列在外键关系中引用两个不同的表。

如何在 JPA 中描述这一点?

Table Book 
  taxRateId (manyToOne) (GermanTax/AustrianTax)

Table GermanTax
  taxRateId (oneToMany Books)

Table AustrianTax
  taxRateId (oneToMany Books)

CONSTRAINT germanTax FOREIGN KEY (tax_rate_id) REFERENCES german_tax (id)

CONSTRAINT austrianTax FOREIGN KEY (tax_rate_id) REFERENCES austrian_tax (id),



public abstract class Tax {
    @Column(name = "taxRateId")
    //@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "pk-sequence")
    //@SequenceGenerator(name = "pk-sequence", sequenceName = "ID_GEN", allocationSize = 1)
    protected Long taxRateId = -1;

    public long getTaxRateId() {
        return taxRateId;

    private double taxRate;

    private String countryName; // countryType ?

    // getters and setters for 'taxRate' and `countryName`


public class AustrianTax extends Tax {
    // nothing special here, the type differentiates enough

public class GermanTax extends Tax {
    // nothing special here, see above --^

然后,我们映射Book以通用方式为 Tax

 * As you brought up the question
public class Book {
    // fields & annotations for ID attribute and generation strategy, similar to above

    private Set<Tax> countryRates;

    // getters and setters, add and remove for 'countryRates' 

但是,将其定义如下会更精确 - 并且符合 3NF 中的数据模型:

 * One book can refer to 1 or more rates (Austrian/German) AND 
 * One rate can be applied to 1 or more books -> @ManyToMany
public class Book {
    // fields & annotations for ID attribute and generation strategy, similar to above

    private Set<Tax> countryRates;

    // getters and setters, add and remove for 'countryRates' 



|Book| 0..* <--> 0..* |Tax|


唯一剩下的就是属性 countryType我无法将其关联为 Book 类型的属性假设一本书没有针对奥地利方言进行修改,因此印有不同的内容(这里以德国人的身份说话;-))。然而,对于大多数 D-A-CH 书籍来说,这种情况并不常见。


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