mysql - 检查记录是否已存在

标签 mysql software-design

我正在 VB.NET 中创建一个程序,在创建用户之前我想检查该记录是否已存在。


Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Public Class WindowsAdvancedStudyStartingForms
    Dim FirstName As String = ""
    Dim SecondName As String = ""
    Dim FullName As String = ""
    Dim StudentClassReal As String = ""
    Dim StudentClassValue As String = ""
    Dim Address As String = ""
    Dim Username As String = ""
    Dim Password As String = ""
    Dim SuccessfulMessage As Integer = 0
    Dim ServerString As String = "Server=myServer;User ID=myID;Passwordmy=Password;Database=myDatabase;SSLMode=None"
    Dim SQLConnection As MySqlConnection = New MySqlConnection
    Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        FirstName = AFirstNameTextBox.Text
        SecondName = ASecondNameTextBox.Text
        FullName = FirstName + " " + SecondName
        StudentClassValue = ASelectClassComboBox.SelectedItem
        Address = AAddressTextBox.Text
        Username = AUsernameTextBox.Text
        Password = APasswordTextBox.Text

        If StudentClassValue = "Class IX" Then
            StudentClassReal = 9
            MessageBox.Show("You have selected a Wrong Class", "Wrong Class", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
        End If
        If FirstName = "" And FirstName.Count = 1 Then
            MessageBox.Show("You didn't enter your First Name", "First Name", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
        End If

        If SecondName = "" Then
            MessageBox.Show("You didn't enter your Second Name", "Second Name", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
        End If

        If Address = "" Then
            MessageBox.Show("You didn't enter your Address", "Address", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
        End If

        If Username = "" Then
            MessageBox.Show("You didn't enter your Username", "Username", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
        End If

        If Password = "" Then
            MessageBox.Show("You didn't enter your Password", "Password", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
        End If

        If StudentClassReal = "9" Then
            Dim StudentInformationVerification As Integer = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure that these are your information?" & vbCrLf & "I am " + FullName + ", and I study at Class " + StudentClassReal + ". I live in " + Address + ". My Advanced Windows Study Username is " + Username + ", and my password is " + Password, "Information Verification", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question)

            If StudentInformationVerification = DialogResult.Yes Then
                Dim SQLStatement As String = "INSERT INTO people(FirstName, SecondName, Class, Address, Username, Password) VALUES('" & FirstName & "','" & SecondName & "', '" & StudentClassReal & "', '" & Address & "', '" & Username & "', '" & Password & "')"
                    My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine.SetValue("Study", "1")
                    SuccessfulMessage = 1
                End If

                If StudentInformationVerification = DialogResult.No Then

            End If

        End If
    End Sub

    'MYSQL Connection
    Private Sub WindowsAdvancedStudyStartingForms_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Dim RegistryCheck As String = My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine.GetValue("Study")
        If RegistryCheck = 1 Then
        End If
        APasswordTextBox.UseSystemPasswordChar = True

        SQLConnection.ConnectionString = ServerString

            If SQLConnection.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
                If SuccessfulMessage = 0 Then
                    MessageBox.Show("Connected to Windows Advanced Study Database", "Connection to Database Passed", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
                End If
                MessageBox.Show("Could not Connect to Windows Advanced Study Database", "Connection to Database Failed", MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
                If DialogResult.Retry Then
                    GoTo SqlConnection
                End If

                If DialogResult.Cancel Then
                End If
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
        End Try
    End Sub

    Public Sub SaveName(ByRef SQLStatement As String)
        Dim cmd As MySqlCommand = New MySqlCommand

        With cmd
            .CommandText = SQLStatement
            .CommandType = CommandType.Text
            .Connection = SQLConnection
        End With
        MessageBox.Show("Welcome to Advanced Windows Studying", "Authentication Successful", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
    End Sub
End Class


使用参数。打开选项严格。 您不需要所有这些 Dim 来获取学生信息。 您可以将连接字符串传递给 MySQLConnection 的构造函数。 将验证代码移至各个控件的 Validat 事件。查看如何取消事件,以便将焦点集中在适当的控件上。 您可以将 SQL 字符串和连接直接传递给连接构造函数。 即使出现错误,使用...EndUsing 语句也将确保对象被正确关闭和处置。这对于确保连接关闭非常重要。 不要使用GoTo。这只是为了向后兼容而在语言中使用,不应在新代码中使用。 (导致意大利面条代码) 在真实的应用程序中,密码永远不会以纯文本形式存储,但这是另一天的主题。 在 SQL 语句中,您需要用反引号 (`) 将 MySQL 保留字括起来。这是波形符 (~) 下面的字符,是 MySQL 的带引号的标识符。实际上,为了安全起见,用反勾号包围所有表名和列名并没有什么坏处。 我无法测试此代码,因为我没有您的数据库。

Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Public Class MySQLStudent
    Dim strConnection As String = "Server=myServer;User ID=myID;Passwordmy=Password;Database=myDatabase;SSLMode=None"
    Private Sub RegisterStudent()
        Using cn As New MySqlConnection(strConnection)
            Dim SQLStatement As String = "Select Count(*) From people where Username = @UserName;"
            Using cmdV As New MySqlCommand(SQLStatement, cn)
                Dim rowCount As Integer = CInt(cmdV.ExecuteScalar())
                If rowCount > 0 Then
                    MessageBox.Show("Sorry that username is in use; please enter another one.")
                    Exit Sub
                End If
            End Using
            SQLStatement = "INSERT INTO people(FirstName, SecondName, `Class`, Address, `Username`, `Password`) VALUES(@FirstName, @SecondName', @StudentClassValue, @Address, @UserName, @Password);"
            Using cmd As New MySqlCommand(SQLStatement, cn)
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@FirstName", MySqlDbType.String).Value = AFirstNameTextBox.Text
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@SecondName", MySqlDbType.String).Value = ASecondNameTextBox.Text
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@StudentClassValue", MySqlDbType.String).Value = ASelectClassComboBox.SelectedItem
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@Address", MySqlDbType.String).Value = AAddressTextBox.Text
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@Username", MySqlDbType.String).Value = AUsernameTextBox.Text
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@Password", MySqlDbType.String).Value = APasswordTextBox.Text
                With cmd
                    .CommandType = CommandType.Text
                End With
            End Using
        End Using
        MessageBox.Show("Welcome to Advanced Windows Studying", "Registration Successful", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
    End Sub
    Private Sub LogInStudent()
        Using cn As New MySqlConnection(strConnection)
            Using cmd As New MySqlCommand("Select Count(*) From people Where `Username` = @UserName And `Password` = @Password;", cn)
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserName", MySqlDbType.String).Value = AUsernameTextBox.Text
                cmd.Parameters.Add("@Password", MySqlDbType.String).Value = APasswordTextBox.Text
                Dim rowCount As Integer = CInt(cmd.ExecuteScalar)
                If rowCount <> 1 Then
                    MessageBox.Show("Sorry, invalid login.")
                    Exit Sub
                End If
                MessageBox.Show("Successful login.")
                'Show the next form of the application
            End Using
        End Using
    End Sub
End Class

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