python - 优化python中的mysql查询

标签 python mysql mysql-connector-python

我正在使用 python 中的 mysql-connector 连接到 mysql 数据库。在正常的事件运行中,我不需要处理超过 1000 行,但有时我可能需要处理 20k 多行数据,这就是我的查询变得非常慢并超时的地方。我尝试过在 mysql-connector 中使用迭代器来限制在给定时间处理的数量,但似乎这只是为 py 中的 MySQLdb 实现的。

        ROUND(311.30004 - (20.110938 * temp.value) 
        - (2.012626 * hum.value) - (2.006346 * airspeed.value) 
        + (0.4059 * POWER(temp.value, 2) + (0.006604 * POWER(hum.value, 2)) 
        + (3.151145 * POWER(airspeed.value, 2) + (0.05555 * temp.value * hum.value) 
        - (0.37037 * temp.value * airspeed.value) + (0.03968 * hum.value * airspeed.value))), 2) 
        AS value, temp.time, temp.x, temp.y, temp.z, temp.round_id, 'predicted_frequency', temp.round_number, temp.day_of_production
FROM round_data_temperature AS temp 
    INNER JOIN round_data_humidity AS hum 
        ON temp.round_number = hum.round_number 
           AND temp.x = hum.x 
           AND temp.y = hum.y AND DATE_FORMAT(temp.time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:00') = DATE_FORMAT(hum.time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:00')
    INNER JOIN round_data_airspeed AS airspeed 
        ON temp.round_number = airspeed.round_number 
            AND temp.x = airspeed.x AND temp.y = airspeed.y 
            AND DATE_FORMAT(temp.time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:00') = DATE_FORMAT(airspeed.time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:00')
WHERE temp.round_id ='xxxxx'

这段代码仅在 mysql 上运行得非常快,但在 python 中的 mysql-connector 中运行速度非常慢并且超时,有 20k 多行,所以我决定立即插入以避免在 python 中选择非常大的数据包。我做了以下操作:

INSERT INTO round_data_pf (value, time, x, y, z, round_id, observable_name, round_number, day_of_production)
        ROUND(311.30004 - (20.110938 * temp.value) 
        - (2.012626 * hum.value) - (2.006346 * airspeed.value) 
        + (0.4059 * POWER(temp.value, 2) + (0.006604 * POWER(hum.value, 2)) 
        + (3.151145 * POWER(airspeed.value, 2) + (0.05555 * temp.value * hum.value) 
        - (0.37037 * temp.value * airspeed.value) + (0.03968 * hum.value * airspeed.value))), 2) 
        AS value, temp.time, temp.x, temp.y, temp.z, temp.round_id, 'pf', temp.round_number, temp.day_of_production
FROM round_data_temperature AS temp 
    INNER JOIN round_data_humidity AS hum 
        ON temp.round_number = hum.round_number 
            AND temp.x = hum.x 
            AND temp.y = hum.y 
            AND DATE_FORMAT(temp.time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:00') = DATE_FORMAT(hum.time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:00')
    INNER JOIN round_data_airspeed AS airspeed 
        ON temp.round_number = airspeed.round_number 
            AND temp.x = airspeed.x 
            AND temp.y = airspeed.y 
            AND DATE_FORMAT(temp.time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:00') = DATE_FORMAT(airspeed.time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:00')
WHERE temp.round_id ='xxxxx'

当我有大约 20k 行数据时,这段代码在 python 中的 mysql 和 mysql-connector 中都会超时。

我正在寻求优化代码,以便当我有超过 20k 行时,它可以更快地选择和插入。



table round_data_temperature composite index  on columns (round_id, round_number, x, y,  time)

table  round_data_humidity     composite index  on columns (round_number, x, y time) 

table  round_data_airspeed   comoosite index on clumns (round_number, x, y,time   )



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